Tools for TV Mount Installation


A lot of peo­ple want to install their tele­vi­sion on the wall. Most peo­ple put it off off because they are unsure of the tools, process need­ed to mount TV on the wall. Mount­ing your tele­vi­sion will save space, improve its appear­ance, and pro­vide a more com­fort­able view­ing expe­ri­ence. In this arti­cle we will pro­vide the list of Tools for TV Mount nec­es­sary to your TV at home/office.

If you are handy with tools and have com­plet­ed some expe­ri­ence with home improve­ment projects in the past, you might be able to mount your TV your­self. How­ev­er we rec­om­mend that you use a pro­fes­sion­al tv mount­ing ser­vices if you don’t under­stand what you are doing. Pro­fes­sion­al TV Moun­ters make sure your TV is posi­tioned cor­rect­ly, view­ing angles are set well, TV is stur­dy. If you com­fort­able with giv­ing it a try, keep read­ing to find the tools need­ed to install a tele­vi­sion on the wall. The response to this ques­tion can dif­fer slight­ly depend­ing on wall type.

TV Mount­ing is not rock­et sci­ence but there are some tips and tricks that you need to prop­er­ly mount your tv along with the right tools. Here are the list of tools that are need­ed often and in gen­er­al for mount­ing a TV on the wall:

  • Wall mount kit
  • Cord cov­er
  • Pow­er drill and appro­pri­ate bit
  • Lev­el or phone lev­el app
  • Painter’s tape
  • Large sheet of card­board or paper
  • Stud find­er
  • Tape mea­sure
  • Sock­et wrench with appro­pri­ate head
  • Safe­ty gog­gles
  • Hol­low wall anchors
  • Screw­driv­er
  • Pen­cil
  • Screw­drivers

Although these are some of the gen­er­al and most used tools need­ed for TV mount­ing; It is not a com­pre­hen­sive list, there might be sev­er­al tools and equip­ment nec­es­sary base on dif­fer­ent types of TV. Reach out to your near­est TV mount­ing com­pa­ny if you find your­self miss­ing any­thing.

Even though there are many dis­ad­van­tages of DIY TV mount­ing, if you still insist on mak­ing TV mount­ing a DIY project, here is a full DIY TV Mount­ing Guide.

More­over, There are cer­tain tools that can be nec­es­sary for cus­tomized wall types as well. This means that the tools can vary based on the wall types, tv and the mount­ing brack­et itself. For exam­ple, some mount­ing brack­ets require spe­cial tools for adjust­ing the mount­ing brack­ets. With­out fur­ther due let’s dive deep into the tools and why they are need.

Special tools needed for mounting TV on different types of wall:

Dry Wall specific tools

Stud find­er is required while mount­ing a TV on a Dry Wall. As you need to find the studs behind the wall to attach the TV brack­et safe­ly. Stud find­er is an essen­tial tool for Dry Wall Mount­ing. It helps you iden­ti­fy where the wood studs are. It is also impor­tant to make sure you have prop­er height ideas to mount your TV.

Brick Wall specific tools

To mount a TV on a Brick Wall you will require ham­mer drills. You will need mason­ry bits of var­i­ous sizes to mount the TV on a brick wall. The mason­ry bit should be of width sim­i­lar or small­er than the wall anchor used with the TV brack­ets. Sim­i­lar­ly, Car­bide-tipped mason­ry bits can also be used as stan­dard drill bits are not strong enough to pen­e­trate the brick and will break the brick.

Concrete Wall specific tools

For con­crete wall type Con­crete sleeve anchor or Tap­con con­crete screws are required to mount the TV.  This will help to fas­ten the mount­ing brack­et more safe­ly and secure­ly. Also mason­ry bits and ham­mer drills are nec­es­sary for drilling in the con­crete. If you find it hard to hide wires in your DIY project, you can check our this blog.

Wall Mounting Tools Description

Every  tool has its own spe­cif­ic fea­ture and pur­pos­es in wall mount instal­la­tion. Assem­bling all the required tools before start­ing the mount­ing process can make your work a lot quick and easy. For effi­cient mount­ing, it’s essen­tial to know all the tools and how they are used. There­fore to make your mount­ing sim­ple and easy, we have list­ed the list of few TV mount­ing tools with brief descrip­tions on how to use them in the TV mount­ing process:

Stud Finder

Stud find­er is one of the essen­tial tools required for TV mount­ing in dry­wall. Most of the mount­ing we encounter are dry­wall TV mount­ing. As you need to find the studs behind the wall to attach the TV brack­et more safe­ly, stud find­er is an essen­tial tool to sim­pli­fy tv mount­ing. It helps you iden­ti­fy where the wood studs are behind the wall to secure the mount in the stud.

Power drill and bits.

Pow­er drills are need­ed for two main pur­pos­es dur­ing the TV mount­ing process: drilling holes, installing the screws to the wall. Every TV mount needs a hole of a diam­e­ter less than or equal to the size of the screws to insert the screws in the wall. For this, we need drill bits of vary­ing size to adjust to any screw size that comes with the mount.

Sec­ond use of the pow­er drills are screw­ing in the bolts to the wall. You can use uni­ver­sal sock­et adapters or spe­cial attach­ments for your bolt to eas­i­ly push the bolt in the wall and secure your mounts.


Lev­el of either 3‑foot or 5‑foot (or of spe­cif­ic size) is essen­tial to make sure the TV is lev­eled both hor­i­zon­tal­ly and ver­ti­cal­ly. Small lev­els can also be used but the lev­els should be mea­sured at mul­ti­ple places to val­i­date the mount is lev­eled prop­er­ly.

Socket wrench with various socket size

Sock­et Wrench are used to fas­ten the mount brack­ets to the wall using bolts. The sock­et wrench are also used for dis­mount­ing TVs and adjust­ing the mount brack­et set­tings like tilt, exten­sion arms, etc.

Safety goggles.

Safe­ty Gog­gles are always impor­tant and the most gen­er­al tool to always pro­tect your eyes from any dam­age while work­ing on projects involv­ing pow­er tools. The drill

Wall Plate / Stud Spanner

A wall plate or stud span­ner is required instead of a stud find­er in case there isn’t a stud in the exact right spot. Along with that also con­sid­er get­ting some screws.

Cord Cover

Cord Cov­ers are gen­er­al­ly used to hide the wires that get shown after you mount your TV on the wall. As these wires might seem to look messy and unman­aged, cord cov­ers can help you cov­er them up for a much clean­er look. Messy wires are one of the com­mon prob­lems of tv mount­ing.

Hollow Wall Anchors

One of the best ways to hang a TV on the wall with­out a stud is to use an anchor. They keep the screws from falling out of the holes in the wall or break­ing the struc­ture. It has a sta­ble mount­ing sys­tem for flat-screen tele­vi­sions. Sim­ply drill a hole in the appro­pri­ate place, insert the sleeve, and insert the anchor pieces inside it.


Along with these tools you might require few oth­er small tools and acces­sories to make your mount­ing process much eas­i­er and reli­able. If you find these process­es tough and since each mount­ing sit­u­a­tion is unique always reach out to your near­est TV mount­ing ser­vice com­pa­ny for any ques­tions or con­cerns.

It is impor­tant and ben­e­fi­cial to keep knowl­edge about tv mount­ing in gen­er­al and use of these gen­er­al tools but it is not com­pul­so­ry for you to mount your entire TV your­selves. To ensure that always try to con­tact a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing com­pa­ny near you for TV mount instal­la­tion ser­vices at your home quick­ly and safe­ly.

More Blogs Related to TV Mounting:

Does TV Mount­ing Void War­ran­ty?

Does TV Mount­ing Dam­age the Wall?

Cons of Pro­fes­sion­al TV Mount­ing Ser­vice.

Can Any Type of TV be Mount­ed?

Every­thing You Need to Know About Out­door TV Mount­ing.

Rea­sons to Hire Pro­fes­sion­al TV Mount­ing Ser­vice.

Ben­e­fits of Mount­ing Your TV.