5 Easy Steps To Mount TV on DryWall

Do you have trou­ble mount­ing the tele­vi­sion on dry­wall? Mount­ing a tele­vi­sion pro­vides var­i­ous chal­lenges to the nor­mal per­son. Sim­i­lar­ly, mount­ing a TV on dry­wall pro­vides sim­i­lar chal­lenges. There are many steps to mount tv on dry­wall. It’s dif­fi­cult to mount a TV on a wall that has a dry struc­ture. Despite the fact that dry­wall can sup­port a large TV. The dry­wall is pret­ty rigid, and the mount may need to be done prop­er­ly. If the instal­la­tion is done incor­rect­ly, the TV will fall to the floor. The frame for the TV that sup­ports your walls con­tains wall studs.

While hang­ing a TV on dry­wall may appear dif­fi­cult, there are a few meth­ods to ensure that it remains sta­ble and does not tum­ble down. Check for studs behind your walls once you’ve found a mount that works with your TV. If there are, you can screw the mount into the studs direct­ly.

Mount­ing your TV on Dry­wall is one of the trou­ble­some tasks. Many peo­ple also point out that dry­wall should be your last option when­ev­er you think­ing of mount­ing your TV. How­ev­er, if the dry­wall in your house is one of the suit­able spots for prop­er view­ing angle and watch­ing TV you should total­ly think of dif­fer­ent steps for mount­ing it. Let’s go through that in detail.

Steps to Mount TV on DryWall

Okay, here are some of the steps to mount the TV on Dry­Wall. These steps will sim­ply help you from smash­ing the TV on the floor. More­over, these meth­ods are pret­ty straight­for­ward and will help you to pro­vide the best prod­uct sup­port to your TV on dry­wall.

Pick an ideal spot to mount a TV on drywall

Rather than pick­ing a ran­dom emp­ty area in your house, it’s always advis­able to choose an opti­mal loca­tion. In the case of dry­wall, select­ing the best loca­tion is essen­tial. The dry­wall is frag­ile, mak­ing instal­la­tion prob­lem­at­ic. As a result, a loca­tion with excel­lent dry­wall and a tele­vi­sion that fits exact­ly should always be your num­ber one pri­or­i­ty.

Using Strong Mounting methods

If you don’t want to see your TV get­ting smashed on the floor due to weak mount­ing meth­ods. One should def­i­nite­ly con­sid­er a tough and pro­fes­sion­al mount­ing tech­nique. Mean­while, one could always argue their per­son­al mount­ing tech­niques are enough. How­ev­er, to mount tv on dry­wall is quite a trou­ble­some and com­plex task. You need appro­pri­ate gad­gets, brack­ets, and dif­fer­ent oth­er devices for prop­er mount­ing of your TV on the wall. So, it’s manda­to­ry to use strong mount­ing meth­ods on your dry­wall to pro­tect your tele­vi­sion.

Wall mounts fol­low a com­mon pat­tern to ensure that they will fit any TV. Mounts, on the oth­er hand, are dif­fer­ent for spe­cif­ic TV sizes and weights. A 32-inch TV wall mount would not be capa­ble of sup­port­ing the weight and size of a 40-inch TV. Choos­ing the improp­er mount, then, could be haz­ardous to your tele­vi­sion.

For dry walls, tog­gle bolts can sus­tain up to 50 pounds of dry­wall weight, while steel hol­low-wall anchors can sup­port up to 100 pounds of dry­wall weight.

If you are look­ing best pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing ser­vice, you can check Home Tech Geeks as well as We Mount TV. With pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice, the two ser­vice providers pro­vide the absolute best TV mount­ing ser­vice with prop­er mount­ing even on dry­wall. Mean­while, you will be safe from crash­ing your tele­vi­sion due to weak mount­ing meth­ods.

mount tv on dry wall

Always be mindful of the TV’s size and the drywall’s condition

Anoth­er thing to keep in mind is the TV’­size and the con­di­tion of the dry­wall. TV weights vary by man­u­fac­tur­er, imply­ing that a larg­er screen will weigh more. A large TV can have dif­fer­ent meth­ods or uses strong mount­ing tech­niques as com­pared to a small one.

You should also check the load capac­i­ty of the anchors you select. If the wall is ancient and decay­ing, it won’t mat­ter if you use the strongest wall anchors to place a TV on it with­out a stud. If the dry­wall appears unsta­ble, it may bow beneath the weight of the TV and maybe col­lapse. More­over, if your dry­wall is old and decay­ing large TV can total­ly crum­ble the wall or even lead your TV to fall down.

On the drywall, install the correct tv wall mount bracket.

Before you can mount the tele­vi­sion to the wall, you’ll need to con­nect the appro­pri­ate brack­ets to it.
Fol­low the man­u­fac­tur­er’s instruc­tions for mount­ing the brack­ets on the tele­vi­sion. Before screw­ing the brack­ets in place, you’ll need to locate the holes on the back of the TV and match them up with the holes on the brack­ets. In addi­tion, one should always mea­sure the mount­ing brack­ets.

Now that the brack­ets are fas­tened to the back of the tele­vi­sion, you may mea­sure and hang the mount­ing brack­et that will be ham­mered into the wall with a drill or a dri­ver. Begin by mark­ing the loca­tions of the holes you’ll be drilling on the studs you’ve already dis­cov­ered.

Rechecking the location of all components, screws, and brackets

The last and most neglect­ed step in mount­ing your TV on walls or oth­er sur­faces is not dou­ble-check­ing the com­po­nents screws or brack­ets uti­lized after they’ve been installed. These actions are real­ly nec­es­sary when it comes to dry­wall because it is quite brit­tle. Many times, the TV will crash overnight or even with a tiny breeze or wind, just because the mount­ing is not done cor­rect­ly or dou­ble-checked.


Okay, every­one can total­ly agree that mount­ing a TV on dry­wall is not every­one’s cup of tea. Many experts even sug­gest dry­wall should be the last option for any indi­vid­ual to mount a tv, How­ev­er, using all dif­fer­ent meth­ods could solve your prob­lem of mount­ing your TV on dry­wall. Most impor­tant­ly, as sol­id and brit­tle as dry­wall can be using prop­er tech­ni­cians, com­po­nents, and devices can total­ly solve the issues to mount the TV on dry­wall. If you still have any prob­lems mount­ing the TV on dry­wall. Feel free to con­tact us for a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing ser­vice.