The vast major­i­ty of peo­ple who own tele­vi­sions watch an aver­age of 5 hours of TV per day, prov­ing that tele­vi­sion has sur­passed all oth­er forms of enter­tain­ment. If you’re one of those peo­ple who like to keep their love­ly flat screen on a table or stand in their liv­ing room or bed­room, this arti­cle is for you. How­ev­er, there are sev­er­al rea­sons why mount­ing your tv is a bet­ter option.

More space, a bet­ter view, reduced glare from lights and win­dows, improved visu­al appeal, and increased safe­ty are all ben­e­fits of  TV mount on the wall. But, before you begin, you may have sev­er­al ques­tions on your mind. Like whether to choose a Fixed Mount TV brack­et or Full Motion TV brack­et, add a cor­ner TV mount or ceil­ing TV mount for extra fea­tures, and so on

Don’t wor­ry, we’ll go over all the fun­da­men­tals that you should be aware of before mount­ing your tele­vi­sion on the wall or get­ting a TV mount­ing ser­vice

Select the appropriate Mounting your Tv.

The first and most crit­i­cal step is to choose the appro­pri­ate mount for your TV and its place­ment, so be sure you’ve got the right one. Fixed, Tilt and Full Motion mounts are the three most com­mon types.


It pro­vides a low-pro­file option that allows you to posi­tion your tele­vi­sion as near the wall as pos­si­ble. They’re a good choice if you’re plan­ning on watch­ing TV from a close dis­tance.


A tilt mount is a fan­tas­tic choice if you’ll be sit­ting low­er than your TV. Tilt­ing mounts allow you to tilt your tele­vi­sion to increase line of sight and reduce glare. It’s per­fect for mount­ing a tele­vi­sion above a fire­place, dress­er, or media cen­ter.


A full-motion mount is a way to go if you want com­plete con­trol over the posi­tion of your TV. Its flex­i­ble arms allow you to extend, rotate, and tilt your tele­vi­sion to prac­ti­cal­ly any posi­tion. This ensures that you have the great­est seat in the house, regard­less of your loca­tion.


The wall on which you intend to put your tele­vi­sion must be stur­dy enough to sus­tain it. Some sur­faces can sup­port your tele­vi­sion, while oth­ers will be severe­ly dam­aged if you attempt to hang any­thing. So, how can you know if your walls are up to the task? Sol­id, hard­wood par­ti­tions can also with­stand the load of a wall-mount­ed TV.

Brick and con­crete walls are best for wall mounts, but sol­id, hard­wood par­ti­tions can also man­age them. If there are frac­tures in the wall or the con­sis­ten­cy of the wall is inse­cure, don’t put your wall mount there. If you’re still unsure whether your wall can sup­port the weight of your tele­vi­sion, then you can seek assis­tance from expert TV moun­ters.


 There are var­i­ous rea­sons why the loca­tion of your tele­vi­sion should be empha­sized before you install it. First and fore­most, your TV wall mount­ing should be near a pow­er out­let, and the TV’s pow­er cord should be long enough to reach the out­let. Anoth­er rea­son to think about the loca­tion is where you’ll be when you’re watch­ing TV.


 Of course, hav­ing the TV screen per­pen­dic­u­lar to your gaze is ide­al when it comes to hor­i­zon­tal angles. The sur­face of your TV, no mat­ter which screen you have, can reflect sun­light and arti­fi­cial light sources near it. Choos­ing the bad loca­tion can cause many prob­lems so, if you can’t find a wall that isn’t exposed to the sun, pick the side of the wall that gets the least amount of sun­shine or no sun­shine.

An elec­tri­cian can assist you in choos­ing the per­fect loca­tion for your mount and rec­om­mend a suit­able wall mount brack­et with angle adjust­ment.

Determine the distance from the floor

When mount­ing your TV, height may be the most impor­tant fac­tor to con­sid­er. The view­ing dis­tance can be deter­mined by the size of your tele­vi­sion for opti­mal view­ing or by mea­sur­ing the dis­tance from where you are sit­ting to the wall where the TV will be mount­ed, but experts rec­om­mend sit­ting at the exact lev­el of your TV’s cen­ter and your eyes.

How­ev­er, if you have mul­ti­ple seat­ing areas, you can always mount your TV 42 inch­es from the floor to the cen­ter of the screen so, the height would be appro­pri­ate for a per­son of aver­age height sit­ting on a nor­mal sofa.

Have the proper equipment

 While mount­ing your TV, it is equal­ly impor­tant to use the prop­er equip­ment so, make sure you have all the fol­low­ing items on hand.

  • The wall mount you have cho­sen, its instruc­tion, and all the stuff that came with the mount.
  • A stud find­er: It can assist you in deter­min­ing the loca­tion of studs in your walls.
  • A tape mea­sure: It deter­mines the prop­er height and dis­tance to install your TV on the wall.
  • Cables: Hard­ware for cable man­age­ment as well as all nec­es­sary cables.
  • Pen­cil: To indi­cate the loca­tion of the holes on the wall.
  • Pow­er drill and bits that fit your screws.
  • Screw­driv­er 
  •  A sock­et wrench with the right heads
  • A large sheet of card­board or paper
  • Safe­ty gog­gles
  • Hol­low wall anchor
  • Painter’s tape