What are the Cons of Professional TV Mounting Service?

Installing a TV wall mount can trans­form any room into a sleek, mod­ern home the­ater. But mount­ing a heavy flatscreen TV by your­self can also inspire anx­i­ety. This is why many peo­ple con­sid­er hir­ing pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing ser­vices to safe­ly and per­fect­ly install their tele­vi­sion on the wall.

While pro­fes­sion­al instal­la­tion takes the has­sle and guess­work out of mount­ing your TV, it does come with some dis­tinct draw­backs. Before decid­ing to pay for TV mount­ing ser­vices, con­sid­er these key cons first.

It’s More Expensive

Eas­i­ly the biggest dis­ad­van­tage of pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing is the added cost. While DIY mount­ing sim­ply requires pur­chas­ing wall brack­ets and hard­ware, instal­la­tion ser­vices can run $100 all the way up to $800 depend­ing on TV size, mount com­plex­i­ty, and ease of access.

Many home­own­ers vast­ly over­es­ti­mate the dif­fi­cul­ty and opt to over­spend on pros when con­ve­nient DIY TV mount­ing would have suf­ficed. Always weigh whether the extra cost brings enough extra val­ue and assur­ance for your needs.

Scheduling Can Be a Hassle

Good luck hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing crew on short notice. Rep­utable installers often book up jobs weeks in advance — and that’s if they ser­vice res­i­den­tial homes at all rather than only com­mer­cial clients. You’ll also need to metic­u­lous­ly coor­di­nate tim­ing with oth­er home projects.

Instead of instant­ly mount­ing your brand new TV the moment inspi­ra­tion strikes, hir­ing pros means grit­ting through frus­trat­ing delays.

They May Upsell Unneeded Services

More eth­i­cal pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing crews sim­ply pro­vide the instal­la­tion labor you pay for. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, some com­pa­nies lever­age their exper­tise to pres­sure unknowl­edgable cus­tomers into expen­sive unnec­es­sary add-ons.

Savvy home­own­ers must beware of overzeal­ous upsells on dubi­ous val­ue-adds like cus­tom recessed elec­tri­cal wiring, elite cable con­ceal­ment pack­ages, and over­pow­ered mounts. Polite­ly say no thanks rather than get­ting strong-armed into upgrades you don’t tru­ly require.

TV May Lose Some Adjustability

DIY TV mount­ing means you per­son­al­ly install exact­ly the type of artic­u­lat­ing mount you choose for ide­al swiv­el and tilt adjust­ment to your pre­ferred view­ing angle. By out­sourc­ing instal­la­tion, you lose total con­trol — pros may opt for cheap­er fixed mounts over pre­mi­um adjustable ver­sions.

This reduces post-install flex­i­bil­i­ty in tweak­ing your angle of view. Be extreme­ly explic­it if artic­u­la­tion is required to pre­vent get­ting stuck with a rigid­ly-mount­ed flatscreen.

While ease of use makes pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing entic­ing, the high­er costs, wait times, sales pres­sure, and reduced cus­tomiza­tion can damp­en the appeal. Care­ful­ly weigh the pros and cons before decid­ing whether to DIY or hire for your TV instal­la­tion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I mount my TV myself or hire a pro­fes­sion­al?

If you’re gen­er­al­ly handy and have the nec­es­sary tools, DIY TV mount­ing is usu­al­ly best to save mon­ey. But for over­ly large/heavy TVs or com­plex instal­la­tions, a pro’s exper­tise in safe­ty and pre­ci­sion can be worth costs.

What’s the aver­age cost of pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing?

Expect to pay $100 — $250 for small­er TVs, while large 75″+ TVs with artic­u­lat­ing mounts can cost $500 — $800 or more for instal­la­tion. High-end in-wall mount­ing runs even prici­er.

How long does it take to mount a TV?

DIY mount­ing gen­er­al­ly takes 1–3 hours from unbox­ing equip­ment to final TV posi­tion­ing. Pro­fes­sion­al instal­la­tion may only take 30–60 min­utes of active labor time, but total ser­vice time is longer account­ing for site eval­u­a­tion, sched­ul­ing, and periph­er­al duties.

Can I change my view­ing angle if pros mount my TV?

Pos­si­bly, but artic­u­la­tion flex­i­bil­i­ty can be lim­it­ed if installers use basic fixed mounts. This is why explic­it­ly dis­cussing mount types and adjusta­bil­i­ty is so impor­tant upfront before allow­ing pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing.

What if I dam­age my wall dur­ing DIY TV mount­ing?

Use dry­wall anchors appro­pri­ate­ly for your wall type and TV size to pre­vent exces­sive tear­ing or cracks around mount­ing holes. Any minor cos­met­ic dam­age is eas­i­ly patched with spack­ling com­pound and touch-up paint once the TV mount is secure­ly installed.

Care­ful­ly mull over what ben­e­fits pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing offers ver­sus con­ve­nient DIY instal­la­tion — com­plex­i­ty and per­son­al capa­bil­i­ties should dri­ve the deci­sion. Weigh all pros, cons and costs regard­ing your spe­cif­ic sce­nario before decid­ing on uti­liz­ing TV mount­ing ser­vices.

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