Best Home Tech Services in Dallas

We are a one-stop solu­tion for all your home tech­nol­o­gy needs in Dal­las, Texas.

We are a 5‑star rat­ed busi­ness for TV mount­ing ser­vice in Dal­las. We spe­cial­ize in pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty instal­la­tion ser­vices for home the­aters, smart homes, mobile car detail­ing, plumb­ing, appli­ance repair, and AC repair. With a team of expe­ri­enced and skilled tech­ni­cians, we vis­it your home and pro­vide all these ser­vices with­out you hav­ing to waste your time find­ing a ser­vice provider.

Home Tech Services, Dallas

TV Mounting Service

If you are search­ing for the best Dal­las TV mount­ing ser­vice, you have come to the high­ly rec­om­mend­ed place. As a team of tech-savvy pro­fes­sion­als, we spe­cial­ize in pro­vid­ing pro­fes­sion­al and reli­able TV wall mount instal­la­tion ser­vices for homes and busi­ness­es in the Dal­las area. We install and set […]

TV Dismount Service

Same-day TV & home the­ater dis­mount­ing and removal ser­vices for homes and busi­ness­es near you in Dal­las. TV dis­mount ser­vice Dal­las dis­mounts TVs and home the­aters for any type of mount or walls. Remov­ing a TV from your wall, ceil­ing or fire­place can be a hard job, […]

Wire Hiding

Pro­fes­sion­al TV wire hid­ing ser­vices to home­own­ers & busi­ness­es in Dal­las. We hide wires for wall-mount­ed TVs, fire­places, and oth­er spaces to cre­ate a neat appear­ance. We hide TV wires and mount­ing hard­ware so that you can enjoy a clut­ter-free view­ing expe­ri­ence. Trust the experts at Home Tech […]

Audio System Setup

At Home Tech Geeks, we spe­cial­ize in pro­vid­ing pro­fes­sion­al and reli­able audio and video instal­la­tion ser­vices for both homes and busi­ness­es in Dal­las, Texas. Our team of expe­ri­enced tech­ni­cians is ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing the high­est qual­i­ty instal­la­tion ser­vices, using state-of-the-art equip­ment and cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy. Whether you’re look­ing […]

Smart Doorbell

We are one of the top smart door­bell instal­la­tion ser­vices providers in Dal­las, Texas. Our tech­ni­cians are high­ly skilled and expe­ri­enced in installing all types of video door­bells and smart door locks. If you’re search­ing for “smart door­bell instal­la­tion near me” in Dal­las, call us now. Call Now Book Now […]

Smart Lights

Upgrade your home or busi­ness in Dal­las with smart light instal­la­tion from Home Tech Geeks. Com­plete­ly inte­grat­ed with smart home sys­tems, smart light sys­tems are ener­gy effi­cient and con­ve­nient. Con­tact us to sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion today. Call Now Book Now Busi­ness & Home Smart Light Instal­la­tion Dal­las We under­stand […]

Smart Thermostat

Search­ing for ‘smart ther­mo­stat instal­la­tion near me’? We have you cov­ered. We install all types of smart ther­mostats in Dal­las includ­ing Wi-Fi-enabled, voice-con­trolled, or pro­gram­ma­ble smart ther­mostats, among oth­ers. Get a free quote now. Call Now Book Now Smart Ther­mo­stat Instal­la­tion Near You Prop­er instal­la­tion of ther­mostats is very cru­cial […]

Smart locks

Trust­ed provider of smart lock instal­la­tion ser­vices in Dal­las. We are a team of expe­ri­enced tech­ni­cians, ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing fast, reli­able, and afford­able ser­vices to home­own­ers and busi­ness­es alike. Con­tact us today to sched­ule your smart lock instal­la­tion ser­vices. Call Now Book Now Smart Lock Set­up for Home & Busi­ness­es Smart […]

Smart Home Surviellance

We are a lead­ing provider of smart sur­veil­lance cam­era instal­la­tion ser­vices in Dal­las for both homes and busi­ness­es. We install var­i­ous types of sur­veil­lance sys­tems includ­ing wired and wire­less sys­tems. And inte­grate them with your exist­ing secu­ri­ty sys­tems. Get a quote today. Call Now Book Now Smart Home Video Door­bell Set­up Ser­vices […]

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End to End Home Tech Services

Setup. Repairs. Replacements.

TV dismount service dallas

Have Questions?

Contact Us: (469) 431‑5131


Homes & Busi­ness­es


Home The­aters Set­up


TV Mount­ed


Homes & Busi­ness­es


Frequently Asked Questions

Home tech ser­vices offer assis­tance for installing, con­fig­ur­ing and repair­ing devices used in your res­i­dence by com­ing to your place. Busi­ness­es like ours offer help with a wide range of devices, includ­ing but not lim­it­ed to home the­aters, smart TVs, smart home apps, com­put­ers and iPhones, among oth­ers.
Yes, we pro­vide in-home tech ser­vices in Dal­las. Con­firm if we pro­vide ser­vices in your area by using our online appoint­ment sched­ul­ing sys­tem or call­ing us.
Yes, our tech­ni­cians are ful­ly insured, trained and cer­ti­fied for the ser­vice they offer to our clients.
The dura­tion of the appoint­ment will depend on the nature of the ser­vice you are seek­ing. Based on the nature of your work and accu­ra­cy of the job descrip­tion you pro­vide, we will pro­vide you esti­mat­ed time for the appoint­ment to con­clude when you book an appoint­ment with us.
HTG offers quote for ser­vices based on the job descrip­tion. If you want us to bring the parts and mate­ri­als required for com­plet­ing the job, inform our cus­tomer sup­port and they will pro­vide you with an upfront quote for
(a) ser­vice and
(b) parts and mate­ri­als required.
We offer extend­ed hour ser­vices. Please vis­it our online sched­ul­ing page to see our avail­abil­i­ty and to book an appoint­ment. Or if you pre­fer to jump on a call, talk to our one of our cus­tomer rep­re­sen­ta­tives.
Yes, we offer emer­gency ser­vices along with pro­vid­ing ser­vices on week­ends or out­side of nor­mal busi­ness hours.

Yes! We are rat­ed 5‑star across 200+ cus­tomers for our expert TV mount­ing ser­vice in Dal­las Tx.