Can Any Type of TV Be Mounted?

With tele­vi­sions get­ting thin­ner, larg­er and more ver­sa­tile, the pos­si­bil­i­ties for unique mount­ed place­ments increase. But can lit­er­al­ly any TV set­up be mount­ed secure­ly on a wall? While most flat pan­el TVs tech­ni­cal­ly can mount, lim­i­ta­tions exist depend­ing on tele­vi­sion type, size, weight and form fac­tor. This guide exam­ines mount­ing fea­si­bil­i­ty across dif­fer­ent dis­play cat­e­gories.

While pro­fes­sion­al TV moun­ters are expe­ri­enced in mount­ing most types of TVs, you can also take TV mount­ing as a DIY project if you want.

Standard Flat Panel LED & LCD TVs

The most com­mon mod­ern tele­vi­sion tech­nol­o­gy — flat pan­el LCD (liq­uid crys­tal dis­play) and LED (light emit­ting diode) — fea­tures thin, uni­form depth pro­files per­fect­ly suit­ed for wall mount­ing. As long as the dis­play weight remains under the rec­om­mend­ed load bear­ing lim­its of the mount­ing equip­ment, LED and LCD TVs have vir­tu­al­ly end­less mount­ing poten­tial.

Diag­o­nal screen size is the pri­ma­ry lim­i­ta­tion, as larg­er dis­plays nat­u­ral­ly weigh more. Be sure to use the TV’s VESA spec­i­fi­ca­tion to select a mount with ade­quate weight sup­port. As long as prop­er anchor­ing into studs or rein­forced dry­wall anchors is per­formed dur­ing instal­la­tion, stan­dard flat pan­el LED and LCD sets under 100 pounds can mount secure­ly on walls in prac­ti­cal­ly any place­ment imag­in­able.

OLED Displays

OLED (organ­ic light emit­ting diode) tele­vi­sions deliv­er stun­ning col­or­ful imagery but have some unique mount­ing require­ments. Pri­mar­i­ly, OLEDs can­not tol­er­ate any uneven pres­sure on the pan­el which can cause per­ma­nent screen dam­age or dis­tor­tion. Thus the TV must sep­a­rate com­plete­ly from the wall.

Spe­cial­ized zero-gap OLED wall mounts secure­ly fas­ten to the studs while hov­er­ing the dis­play away from the wall sur­face. This pre­vents uneven pres­sure while still firm­ly anchor­ing the OLED TV in the desired posi­tion. With prop­er zero-gap equip­ment, OLEDs mount won­der­ful­ly as they share a sim­i­lar slim form fac­tor to stan­dard LED/LCD screens.

Larger Screen TVs

Jum­bo-sized tele­vi­sions over 75 inch­es diag­o­nal­ly pack visu­al impact but also addi­tion­al mount­ing con­sid­er­a­tions. Pri­mar­i­ly, the increased dis­play area equates to heav­ier weight. Always dou­ble check that your wall, the mount­ing hard­ware and anchors/studs has suf­fi­cient load-bear­ing capac­i­ty to safe­ly sup­port larg­er units.

Keep in mind view­ing dis­tance as well — giant screens require increased dis­tance for com­fort­able view­ing. Ensure your room dimen­sions and seat­ing arrange­ments accom­mo­date for large TV vis­i­bil­i­ty con­straints. As long as the mount is appro­pri­ate­ly weight rat­ed and giv­en prop­er rein­force­ment, plus view­ing posi­tion­ing checks out based on size, vir­tu­al­ly any plus-sized flat pan­el LED, LCD or OLED can suc­cess­ful­ly mount on walls.

Curved & Flexible Display TVs

While less com­mon, curved and flex­i­ble dis­play tele­vi­sions have emerged in recent years as impres­sive show­pieces. The con­toured screen design neces­si­tates unique mount­ing approach­es com­pared to flat pan­els.

Curved TV mounts use artic­u­lat­ing arms to safe­ly install while match­ing the dis­play’s exact cur­va­ture. This pre­vents haz­ardous uneven pres­sure while pro­vid­ing ide­al full-sur­face con­tact. Most curved TVs still use flat VESA plates, so stan­dard curved mounts suf­fice for prop­er mount­ing.

Flex­i­ble bend­able dis­plays enable adjustable curv­ing con­cav­i­ty which fur­ther neces­si­tates adjustable wall mounts. Dynam­ic mounts with mul­ti-axis artic­u­lat­ing swing arms allow the flex­i­ble dis­play to trans­form its curve radius while firm­ly anchored for a tru­ly awe-inspir­ing mount­ed pre­sen­ta­tion.

Outdoor Televisions

Rugged out­door tele­vi­sions must with­stand volatile tem­per­a­ture swings, UV rays, rain expo­sure and wind forces. Thank­ful­ly, weath­er­proof out­door TV mount­ing equip­ment exists to allow safe open-air instal­la­tions.

Mois­ture-sealed mount­ing plates and enclo­sures pro­tect con­nec­tions and cables rout­ed inside walls instead of dan­gling unpro­tect­ed. Durable artic­u­lat­ing arms and rein­forced anchors pro­vide suf­fi­cient wind shear resis­tance as well. With the right mount­ing approach, both res­i­den­tial and com­mer­cial out­door TVs can mount beau­ti­ful­ly to back­yard patios, pool decks, sta­di­ums and theme parks alike.

Specialty Commercial Displays

Beyond home enter­tain­ment, unique com­mer­cial dis­play pur­pos­es like dig­i­tal sig­nage, art instal­la­tions, and inter­ac­tive pan­els have spe­cial­ty mount­ing needs.

Extra large video walls made of mul­ti­ple com­bined screens require strong load bear­ing and absolute­ly per­fect align­ment for min­i­mal bezel gaps. Muse­ums show­cas­ing expen­sive arti­fact dis­plays need rein­forced tam­per-proof cas­ings to pre­vent theft. Even med­ical patient room tele­vi­sion mounts demand infec­tion-resis­tant mate­ri­als and dam­age-pre­vent­ing cor­ners.

Thank­ful­ly, niche spe­cial­ty mounts cater to unique com­mer­cial dis­play mount­ing require­ments like these while safe­ly adher­ing dis­plays to walls. Often, pro­fes­sion­al AV installers han­dle these spe­cial­ty mounts for code-com­pli­ant, opti­mized posi­tion­ing.

Trusting Professionals for Unique Mounting Scenarios

When deal­ing with expen­sive, irreg­u­lar­ly sized or unique­ly pur­posed dis­plays, hir­ing pro­fes­sion­al installers ensures safe, resilient mount­ing out­comes. Beyond stock­ing spe­cial­ty equip­ment like curved TV mounts or rugged out­door options, pros have the exper­tise to han­dle chal­leng­ing place­ments and large dis­play sizes.

They also offer post-instal­la­tion ser­vices like dis­play clean­ing and mount lubri­ca­tion to keep uncom­mon TV setups like artis­tic instal­la­tions run­ning flaw­less­ly for years. While reg­u­lar flat pan­el LED dis­plays hap­pi­ly mount DIY in most homes, unusu­al, weighty or expen­sive spe­cial­ty TVs ben­e­fit tremen­dous­ly by trust­ing expert mount­ing ser­vices.

So whether deal­ing with ultra slim OLEDs, mas­sive out­door dis­plays or flex­i­ble sig­nage pan­els, pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing experts exist with the right tools, knowl­edge and equip­ment to safe­ly install vir­tu­al­ly any tele­vi­sion on walls and cus­tomized struc­tures with sta­bil­i­ty and cre­ative flair. Con­tact a mount­ing pro in your area to dis­cuss trans­lat­ing even the most uncon­ven­tion­al dis­play into a breath­tak­ing mount­ed install­ment.

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