Does TV Mounting Damage the Wall?

Installing a sleek new flatscreen TV on your wall can trans­form any room. But before you start drilling holes to mount your tele­vi­sion, a fair ques­tion aris­es: will mount­ing a TV dam­age my wall? 

If you are tak­ing help of pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing ser­vice, there is no need to wor­ry about dam­age to your wall. The good news is that with the right hard­ware and prop­er tech­nique, even you can secure­ly mount your TV with­out harm­ing your home­’s walls what­so­ev­er. Read on as we dive into every­thing you need to know about safe TV wall mount­ing and pre­vent­ing dam­age dur­ing instal­la­tion.

Can Mounting a TV Damage Drywall or Plaster?

If done reck­less­ly with­out care and plan­ning, mount­ing a tele­vi­sion can indeed dam­age dry­wall and plas­ter wall sur­faces. Drilling screw holes hap­haz­ard­ly can crack del­i­cate wall mate­ri­als. Using inad­e­quate anchors in dry­wall can also lead to tear­ing.

How­ev­er, the sim­ple use of wall studs, anchors, brack­ets, or adhe­sive tapes designed for TV mount­ing makes instal­la­tion safe and wall-friend­ly. Some degree of minor cos­met­ic dam­age may occur around screw holes, but this is eas­i­ly patched. Over­all, you can mount your beloved TV with­out sub­stan­tial­ly harm­ing your walls.

How to Mount a TV Without Damaging Walls

Fol­low these tips for secure, wall-safe tele­vi­sion instal­la­tion:

Find Studs

Use a stud find­er to locate wood studs hid­den behind your wall mate­r­i­al. Attach mount­ing brack­ets direct­ly into these studs when­ev­er pos­si­ble using includ­ed screws. This pro­vides the strongest hold for large TVs.

Use Wall Anchors

For holes that don’t line up with studs, use spe­cial­ized dry­wall anchors designed for TV brack­ets. Plas­tic or met­al anchors dis­trib­ute weight to pre­vent tear­ing dry­wall.

Consider Adhesives

Hang­ing TVs up to 40 lbs, no-stud adhe­sives like Per­le­smith mounts can secure­ly adhere brack­ets with­out a sin­gle screw hole.

Patch Minor Damage

Tiny cracks or holes sur­round­ing wall mount screws can appear in dry­wall or plas­ter from nat­ur­al set­tling. Light­ly spack­ling and paint­ing over restores your wall’s pris­tine con­di­tion after the TV has been mount­ed.

Alternative Ways to Mount Without Damaging Walls

If tra­di­tion­al wall mount­ing hard­ware has you wor­ried about harm­ing your walls, alter­na­tives like stand mounts or ceil­ing mounts offer dam­age-free TV dis­play­ing. Fur­ni­ture-mount­ed brack­et options from brands like Per­le­smith also seam­less­ly incor­po­rate tele­vi­sion mount­ing with­out touch­ing walls what­so­ev­er.


While images of large TVs pre­car­i­ous­ly hung by a few screws or tog­gles may invoke anx­i­ety, have no fear. Strate­gi­cal­ly-placed mount­ing hard­ware anchored into studs or high-test adhe­sives makes installing even the largest flatscreens com­plete­ly safe and wall-friend­ly. Fol­low basic guide­lines and use qual­i­ty brack­ets designed for your TV’s dimen­sions, and you can enjoy your brand new mount­ed tele­vi­sion with­out a hint of dam­age.

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