TV Mounting Service in Dallas

TV Mounting Service in Dallas TX | Fast and Affordable

Wel­come to Home Tech Geeks, your one-stop solu­tion for fast, afford­able, and pro­fes­sion­al TV Mount­ing Ser­vice in Dal­las TX.

With our expert tech­ni­cians and hun­dreds of 5‑star reviews on Google, your search for the best Dal­las TV Mount­ing Ser­vice ends here!

Home Tech Geeks pro­vides excel­lent ser­vice with the best rates in Dal­las Fort Worth for TV mount­ing ser­vices. We are also ful­ly backed up by insur­ance to ensure there’s no chance of mis­for­tune with your TV wall mount instal­la­tion. 

We are a 5‑Star Rated Handyman Business!

Wall Mount Your TV In 3 Steps

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TV Mounting Service Dallas TX- Cost / Pricing Details

The Dal­las TV Mount­ing Ser­vice costs $100 at the low end and can go up to $500 for more com­plex mount­ing ser­vices. Hid­ing wires with­in walls, the size of the TV, the num­ber of TVs, and many oth­er fac­tors come into play to deter­mine the actu­al pric­ing. There are also pro­vi­sions for addi­tion­al com­ple­men­tary hard­ware and mount­ing mul­ti­ple dis­plays across large enter­tain­ment spaces. 

The key fac­tors impact­ing price include the TV mount equip­ment need­ed, the num­ber of sets being installed, the spe­cif­ic mount­ing sur­face, elec­tri­cian fees if out­let relo­ca­tion is required, inte­ri­or wall mod­i­fi­ca­tions request­ed, and the cost of liv­ing in your area. Pro­vid­ing your own com­pat­i­ble, qual­i­ty wall mount and tele­vi­sion units cut project expens­es notably.

Use our online quote gen­er­a­tor to deter­mine the exact price, or read this full blog on the cost of TV mount­ing ser­vice in Dal­las TX to get detailed infor­ma­tion on the top­ic.

Does Mounting Your TV Void Warranty? 

Anx­i­ety over void­ing the expen­sive TV war­ran­ty is com­mon when opt­ing for third-par­ty mount­ing equip­ment or han­dling instal­la­tions your­self. But in most cas­es, pro­fes­sion­al Dal­las TV Mount­ing Ser­vice or DIY mount­ing alone will not void fac­to­ry cov­er­age unless sig­nif­i­cant dam­age occurs or ser­i­al num­bers are altered. Phys­i­cal dam­age from cracks, scratch­es, or bro­ken ports are the main rea­sons for lost war­ran­ty eli­gi­bil­i­ty. 

Still, it’s smart to thor­ough­ly check your spe­cif­ic man­u­fac­tur­er poli­cies before mount­ing. Read this com­pre­hen­sive blog to know about war­ran­ty void issues in the TV mount­ing ser­vice Dal­las TX sce­nario. 

With prop­er pre­cau­tions, reten­tion of detached orig­i­nal bases, and care­ful wire rout­ing that doesn’t stress con­nec­tions, your war­ran­ty should remain intact after dis­play mount­ing. Don’t hes­i­tate to con­tact the com­pa­ny direct­ly with con­cerns over war­ran­ty impacts.

Proper Height for Mounting TV

The stan­dard rec­om­men­da­tion is to posi­tion the cen­ter of the screen at eye lev­el when seat­ed, which gen­er­al­ly trans­lates to a height of about 42–60 inch­es off the ground. How­ev­er, per­son­al pref­er­ence, room lay­out, mount­ing type, and TV size can all impact the prop­er height. When decid­ing on the ide­al place­ment for your wall-mount­ed TV, there are sev­er­al impor­tant fac­tors to con­sid­er for opti­mal view­ing com­fort and enjoy­ment. 

For exam­ple, if your seat­ing is fixed, like a sec­tion­al, mea­sure eye lev­el from the pri­ma­ry seat­ing area to deter­mine height. The larg­er the screen, the fur­ther back it should be mount­ed. Artic­u­lat­ed mounts allow adjust­ing angles for flex­i­ble view­ing from mul­ti­ple seats. 

Check man­u­fac­tur­er guide­lines for rec­om­men­da­tions on par­tic­u­lar mod­els. Also, account for the tilt­ing or artic­u­lat­ing abil­i­ties of the mount itself when cal­cu­lat­ing per­fect place­ment. Don’t place too high to avoid neck strain. Light­ing ele­ments in a room also play a role; sit­u­at­ing above or away from win­dows or light fix­tures pre­vents glare. Check­ing out this com­pre­hen­sive blog on rec­om­mend­ed TV mount­ing height guide­lines can help choose the opti­mal lev­el for your unique set­up.

Can Any TV Be Mounted in Dallas TV Mounting Service?

Near­ly any tele­vi­sion can be mount­ed secure­ly with the appro­pri­ate VESA-com­pli­ant hard­ware brack­ets, as long as there is ade­quate rear space for ven­ti­la­tion and room to com­fort­ably access all ports for con­nec­tions. The main lim­i­ta­tion is con­firmed weight capac­i­ty. Be sure to choose a wall mount pre­cise­ly rat­ed for your exact TV mod­el’s hole pat­terns and weight when filled with nec­es­sary com­po­nents. 

Very large or heavy tele­vi­sions may require rein­forced walls or ceil­ings rather than stan­dard wall studs alone to meet struc­tur­al needs. Extra side artic­u­la­tion abil­i­ties of adjustable mounts also impact suit­able sur­face angles. Fol­low­ing each mount man­u­fac­tur­er’s clear­ly defined guide­lines for weight loads and com­pat­i­ble tele­vi­sion hole pat­terns ensures safe, reli­able mount­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties for vir­tu­al­ly any LED, OLED, or LCD for­mat.

In our Dal­las TV Mount­ing Ser­vice by Home Tech Geeks, we will find a way to mount your TV even if doesn’t meet the stan­dard require­ments.

Com­pre­hen­sive Blog: Can any TV be mount­ed?

How to Hide Wires in TV Mounting?

Hid­ing tele­vi­sion cords behind walls takes the right tools for safe­ly rout­ing wires and neat­ly cut­ting wall open­ings. Typ­i­cal­ly you’ll need a stud find­er for locat­ing fram­ing, a dry­wall saw for clean cuts, fish tape for pulling cables, cable ties for bundling, and wire con­duit for con­ceal­ing cords. These are read­i­ly avail­able at most hard­ware stores. Care­ful­ly drilling small holes into stud bays and man­ag­ing cables with­in the wall cav­i­ty keeps wires out of sight for a seam­less built-in look. 

Make sure to leave slack at the TV hookup area so it can be removed. Use wire sta­ples to tack up cables and plas­tic wire chan­nel­ing to line pas­sage holes. Ter­mi­nate con­duit neat­ly with brush plates. Paint cords gray or white to van­ish against walls and run port con­nec­tions down to acces­si­ble heights. 

Click this blog link to get com­pre­hen­sive step-by-step instal­la­tion tips in this detailed guide on hid­ing wires prop­er­ly dur­ing any TV mount­ing Dal­las TX project for flaw­less results.

Drawbacks of DIY TV Mounting: Let Professionals Handle Your TV Mounting Service in Dallas TX

While DIY TV mount­ing may seem like an easy way to save mon­ey and effort com­pared to hir­ing pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices, attempt­ing instal­la­tions with­out prop­er train­ing, tools or assis­tance can lead to frus­trat­ing issues. Poten­tial prob­lems include inac­cu­rate mea­sure­ments, insuf­fi­cient struc­tur­al sup­port from walls or incor­rect fas­ten­ers, poor cable man­age­ment lead­ing to dan­gling messy wires, and unse­cured TVs at high­er risk of falling and sus­tain­ing dam­age. 

Safe­ty is anoth­er major con­sid­er­a­tion, as errors made while climb­ing lad­ders to mount over­head or work­ing with pow­er tools can result in per­son­al injury or prop­er­ty dam­age if prop­er pre­cau­tions aren’t tak­en. Under­stand­ing these var­i­ous cons of a solo DIY approach ahead of time min­i­mizes regret­table out­comes down the road and helps deter­mine if it may be wise to call in rein­force­ments from expe­ri­enced installers for cer­tain sit­u­a­tions or tricky lay­outs instead.

Full Blog: Cons of DIY TV Mount­ing

DIY TV Mounting Guide

With the right gear, a bit of mea­sur­ing, some basic con­struc­tion skills, and safe­ty pre­cau­tions, ambi­tious DIY­ers can pull off their suc­cess­ful TV mount­ing project and save sub­stan­tial invest­ment over pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices. The most impor­tant first step is select­ing a wall mount rat­ed for your tele­vi­sion’s VESA spec­i­fi­ca­tions and weight capac­i­ty to sus­tain it secure­ly. 

It’s also essen­tial to accu­rate­ly locate and drill into wall studs for struc­tur­al rein­force­ment, uses prop­er­ly sized lag bolts com­bined with hol­low dry­wall anchors if need­ed, keep all cords neat­ly chan­neled, and work with an assis­tant for a frus­tra­tion-free instal­la­tion. Fol­low this com­pre­hen­sive, step-by-step DIY guide for DIY TV Mount­ing Guide

DIY vs. Professional TV Mounting Service in Dallas TX

While this infor­ma­tion applies to all states and not just Dal­las, it is most accu­rate for TV Mount­ing in Dal­las TX. Mount­ing a tele­vi­sion your­self may seem straight­for­ward enough to DIY. But with­out the right tools, con­struc­tion knowl­edge, design skills, or cable man­age­ment expe­ri­ence, even sim­ple projects can go awry. On the oth­er hand, hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al Dal­las TV mount­ing ser­vice ensures pre­cise instal­la­tions but at an added cost.   

Peo­ple who under­go DIY projects take on risks like dam­ag­ing walls, improp­er­ly secured mounts lead­ing to fall­en screens, poor wiring man­age­ment, lim­it­ed weight capac­i­ties or swiv­el ranges if the wrong mount is cho­sen, and poten­tial per­son­al injuries from exe­cut­ing com­plex instal­la­tions solo. Pro­fes­sion­als have exten­sive expe­ri­ence prop­er­ly assess­ing rooms, select­ing adjustable mounts sized for each TV, inte­grat­ing cables invis­i­bly through walls, lever­ag­ing spe­cial­ized lift­ing equip­ment, and expert­ly han­dling all struc­tur­al con­sid­er­a­tions.

This overview of the pros and cons of both DIY and pro­fes­sion­al instal­la­tion high­lights fac­tors to help decide the best route for your next tele­vi­sion mount­ing project. Care­ful­ly con­sid­er­ing room lay­out, wall mate­r­i­al, view­ing angle needs, bud­get, and con­fi­dence lev­el assists in deter­min­ing whether to call in an expert or roll up your sleeves.

Com­pre­hen­sive Blog: DIY vs. Pro­fes­sion­al TV Mount­ing Ser­vice Dal­las TX

Difference Between Wall Mounts vs. Stands

Wall-mount­ed tele­vi­sions can free up valu­able floor space under­neath and cre­ate a stream­lined, float­ing aes­thet­ic com­pared to space-hog­ging enter­tain­ment cen­ters or stands. Wall mount­ing also avoids tip-over inci­dents asso­ci­at­ed with unsta­ble fur­ni­ture. How­ev­er, stands pro­vide flex­i­ble place­ment options in rooms and the abil­i­ty to swiv­el screens for the per­fect view­ing angle. There are also portable floor stands enabling wheel­ing screens into dif­fer­ent rooms eas­i­ly.

Anoth­er great blend­ed option is installing cus­tom shelv­ing under wall-mount­ed TVs to inte­grate stor­age for media com­po­nents in an orga­ni­za­tion­al, dec­o­ra­tive way while open­ing up the space. Com­par­ing mounts ver­sus stands across fac­tors like room lay­out, per­son­al­iza­tion, and acces­si­bil­i­ty when deter­min­ing the best fit ensures all needs are met. Con­sult the con­struc­tion and design guides linked for expert advice.

Full Blog: Wall Mounts vs. TV Stands

Impact of TV Mounting on Wall Structure

Holes drilled into walls for TV mount instal­la­tions can raise con­cerns over pos­si­ble struc­tur­al dam­age or cost­ly repairs down the road. How­ev­er, with the right tools for your spe­cif­ic wall con­struc­tion mate­r­i­al, the prop­er mount­ing hard­ware, and mounts designed to dis­trib­ute weight appro­pri­ate­ly, you can avoid major fix­es lat­er.  

Ensur­ing the includ­ed anchor­ing mate­ri­als reach struc­tur­al fram­ing behind dry­wall rather than just plas­ter, using hol­low dry­wall anchors where need­ed to rein­force gaps with­out a frame­work, and tak­ing care not to over-tight­en screws pre­vents cracks. Fol­low this full blog and all spec­i­fi­ca­tions pro­vid­ed with your mounts for rec­om­mend­ed drilling depth, screw siz­ing, and allow­able tol­er­ances. With care­ful pre­ci­sion instal­la­tion, even dry­wall can han­dle sig­nif­i­cant weight stress over time.

Drawbacks of Professional TV Mounting Service Dallas TX

While hir­ing a Dal­las TV Mount­ing Ser­vice pro to safe­ly and per­fect­ly mount your tele­vi­sion pro­vides peace of mind, the ser­vice comes with some draw­backs to con­sid­er besides just added expens­es for labor and tools most DIY­ers already own. Pro­fes­sion­al instal­la­tion also involves rigid­ly sched­uled appoint­ments that may require tak­ing time off work to meet, lim­it­ed abil­i­ty to cus­tomize exact place­ment posi­tions, poten­tial inflex­i­bil­i­ty on wiring rout­ing pref­er­ences, and slight risks of acci­den­tal prop­er­ty dam­age.

Being an informed con­sumer by know­ing the var­i­ous cons asso­ci­at­ed with TV mount­ing ser­vice in Dal­las ahead of con­tact­ing installers helps set real­is­tic expec­ta­tions over per­fec­tion, stream­line project coor­di­na­tion, and get the most val­ue from the mon­ey spent. Dis­cuss cus­tom needs thor­ough­ly upfront and inspect final­ized work before tech­ni­cians leave. There are always unique con­sid­er­a­tions from job to job.

Full Blog: Cons of Pro­fes­sion­al TV Mount­ing Ser­vice Dal­las

Outdoor TV Mounting Considerations

Mount­ing tele­vi­sions out­side comes with unique chal­lenges com­pared to indoor instal­la­tions, like weath­er­proof­ing frag­ile port con­nec­tions, allow­ing ample air­flow around units to pre­vent over­heat­ing in hot cli­mates, and safe­ly inte­grat­ing elec­tri­cal while min­i­miz­ing cord expo­sure. Out­door TV wall mounts must be cor­ro­sion and UV-resis­tant while strong enough to with­stand tax­ing year-round ele­ments like rain, humid­i­ty, extreme tem­per­a­tures, and blow­ing debris.

Out­door sur­faces often require dif­fer­ent approach­es as well. Con­crete, stuc­co, or brick ben­e­fit from spe­cial mason­ry anchors and com­pat­i­ble rein­forced mounts. Wood pan­els may need addi­tion­al brac­ing. Fol­low the tips in this com­pre­hen­sive out­door tele­vi­sion instal­la­tion guide for seam­less, pro­tect­ed open-air enjoy­ment that with­stands the test of time.

Reasons to Hire Professional TV Mounting Service in Dallas TX

While con­ve­nient and bud­get-friend­ly, DIY tele­vi­sion mount­ing car­ries sub­stan­tial risks, from inad­ver­tent struc­tur­al dam­age, inac­cu­rate place­ment judg­ment calls, hacked-togeth­er messy cords, unsta­ble mounts, and dropped screens, not to men­tion the pos­si­bil­i­ty of per­son­al injury. Pro­fes­sion­al­ly installed wall mounts mit­i­gate these con­cerns through cer­ti­fied secure mount­ing prac­tices, hid­den cable man­age­ment, ide­al posi­tion­ing for opti­mal home the­ater view­ing, and struc­tur­al pro­tec­tions.

Added ben­e­fits of hir­ing experts include cus­tomized view­ing solu­tions tai­lored to room shape and seat­ing, pro­fes­sion­al assess­ments of con­struc­tion mate­r­i­al load capac­i­ties, access to spe­cial­ized lift­ing equip­ment and licensed elec­tri­cians if need­ed, and life­time ser­vice guar­an­tees for main­te­nance checks and wire­less updat­ing. There are at least sev­en com­pelling rea­sons why a pro TV mount­ing ser­vice is worth con­sid­er­ing over han­dling such a com­plex, high-lia­bil­i­ty project solo.

Full Blog: Ben­e­fits of Pro­fes­sion­al TV Mount­ing Ser­vice Dal­las.

Understanding Types of Wall Mounts

Decid­ing which wall mount works best for your TV and space depends on view­ing needs and style pref­er­ences. Stan­dard fixed mounts hold TVs flush to walls in a sta­tion­ary posi­tion while tilt­ing mounts allow side-to-side swivel­ing up to 20 degrees to reduce glare from light­ing sources. Artic­u­lat­ing mounts extend out fur­ther from walls and piv­ot a full 180 degrees for max­i­mum adjusta­bil­i­ty in either direc­tion. 

Low-pro­file mounts bring screens under 2” from the walls for a con­tem­po­rary, stream­lined look. Ceil­ing and man­tel mounts present unique mount­ing options as well for posi­tion­ing above eye lev­el or show­cas­ing over dec­o­ra­tive fire­places respec­tive­ly. There are also spe­cial­ty mounts designed for cor­ner place­ment, out­door use, extra large screens, or hold­ing mul­ti­ple dis­plays. This com­pre­hen­sive blog of the var­i­ous tele­vi­sion wall mount types assists in nar­row­ing down the ide­al pick.

Wall Surface Types for TV Mounting

The under­ly­ing con­struc­tion mate­ri­als and frame­work of the instal­la­tion area impact the entire TV mount­ing process, includ­ing required tools, weight capac­i­ties, posi­tion­al flex­i­bil­i­ty, and spe­cial­ized mount­ing equip­ment need­ed. Dry­wall with wood or met­al studs allows for basic DIY projects. Mason­ry, brick, con­crete, and cin­der blocks require spe­cial mason­ry drill bits and anchors. 

Met­al studs take heavy-duty self-tap­ping screws. Stone ben­e­fits from indus­tri­al epoxy adhe­sives. Wood pan­el­ing can clean­ly hide cables but needs sol­id points for bear­ing weight. Know­ing the exact wall type and com­po­nents ensures prop­er TV mount com­pat­i­bil­i­ty selec­tion, ide­al install loca­tion struc­tur­al rein­force­ment, and prepa­ra­tion for frus­tra­tion-free, long-last­ing mount­ing projects.

Full Blog: Types of wall sur­faces for TV mount

Top TV Mounting Service in Dallas TX

Hav­ing a new flatscreen tele­vi­sion pro­fes­sion­al­ly mount­ed assures that the job will be con­duct­ed effi­cient­ly, safe­ly, prop­er­ly, and afford­ably by trained experts. With so many instal­la­tion and AV ser­vices to sort through in the TV Mount­ing Dal­las TX sce­nario, cus­tomer reviews and ser­vice guar­an­tees help nar­row down the top-rat­ed options. 

Based on cre­den­tials like North Amer­i­can Tech­ni­cian Excel­lence cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, years of local expe­ri­ence, cus­tomized process trans­paren­cy, and pos­i­tive feed­back, the top five Dal­las TV Mount­ing Ser­vice com­pa­nies are Home Tech Geeks, Puls, We Mount TV, TV Mount­ing Dal­las, and Dal­las TV Mount­ing Ser­vice. 

Com­pre­hen­sive blog: Com­pa­nies with the best TV mount­ing ser­vice in Dal­las TX

Choosing the Right TV Wall Mount

Select­ing a wall mount involves more than just match­ing VESA hole pat­terns and weight capac­i­ties. Ide­al view­ing angles, artic­u­la­tion range needs, screen size, and room dimen­sions must also be fac­tored in, along with the desired aes­thet­ic style. Care­ful­ly mea­sure your tele­vi­sion’s rear hole pat­terns while detached plus eval­u­ate the exact area avail­able for posi­tion­ing above fur­nish­ings. Com­pare mount­ing types based on required swiv­el func­tion­al­i­ty and dis­tance from seat­ing. 

Last­ly, vet safe­ty mea­sures like inte­grat­ed cable man­age­ment, lock­ing mech­a­nisms and max­i­mum stat­ed weight loads before pur­chase. This detailed guide lists the essen­tial spec­i­fi­ca­tions for pick­ing a cor­rect­ly sized mount that per­forms reli­ably for secure, long-last­ing enjoy­ment.

Common Problems in TV Mounting

Although mount­ing flat screens are gen­er­al­ly straight­for­ward, imper­fect instal­la­tions hap­pen. Issues like uneven place­ment on angled walls lack­ing plumb rein­force­ment, tilt­ed side­ways view­ing angles if sin­gle-stud mounts rotate on cen­tral axes, dan­gling dusty wires, loose lag bolt con­nec­tions in weak dry­wall, and hard­ware that miss­es studs com­plete­ly may occur. 

Thank­ful­ly there are trou­bleshoot­ing solu­tions for every com­mon TV mount­ing mishap, from adding wash­ers to lev­el screens, using tog­gle bolts in pure­ly dry­wall place­ments, neat­ly rout­ing cables behind walls, and adjust­ing lag screw depths accord­ing to man­u­als. Fol­low basic mechan­i­cal com­pre­hen­sion skills and tech­ni­cal guides to han­dle tweaks.

Full Blog: Most com­mon prob­lems in TV mount­ing

Mounting a Samsung TV on the Wall

Sam­sung tele­vi­sion designs stand out for ultra-thin curved frames and bril­liant dis­play tech­nolo­gies, but require cau­tious han­dling, start­ing when mount­ing. First, all cur­rent Sam­sung TVs accom­mo­date VESA-com­pli­ant wall brack­ets. Choose mounts appro­pri­ate­ly sized and load-rat­ed for each mod­el, fac­tor­ing in weight with detach­able speak­ers, stands, and wall plates. When installing, mind the sleek screen mate­r­i­al itself as well as hand-tight­en­ing screws into thread­ed inserts instead of pow­ered dri­vers. 

Also, use plas­tic spac­ers between backs and mounts to pre­vent scratch­es. Con­nect all cables before ever lift­ing to wall lev­el for sim­plic­i­ty. Fol­low Sam­sung’s pre­cise guide­lines for safe­ly and beau­ti­ful­ly dis­play­ing their cut­ting-edge screens. Here is a com­pre­hen­sive guide to mount­ing a Sam­sung TV.

Installing a TV Mount on a Brick Wall

The struc­tur­al com­plex­i­ty of cin­der blocks or dec­o­ra­tive brick makes the pro­fes­sion­al instal­la­tion of TV wall mounts direct­ly onto mason­ry the eas­i­est strat­e­gy. But for deter­mined DIY­ers, spe­cial­ized mason­ry anchors, ham­mer drills boast­ing over 800 rpm speeds for hard mate­ri­als, car­bide drill bits, and Tap­con con­crete screws are explic­it­ly designed to bore through for­mi­da­ble sur­faces while sus­tain­ing sheer loads. 

Take safe­ty pre­cau­tions against lung irri­ta­tion from mor­tar and brick dust. Use a lev­el and the cen­tered Hol­low Wall Anchor Method for pulling off the most secure brick wall TV mount­ing pos­si­ble as a novice. Read this com­pre­hen­sive blog for a detailed guide on mount­ing a tv to a brick wall.

Benefits of Mounting TV on Wall

Tak­ing tele­vi­sion dis­plays off floor stands and ele­vat­ing them onto wall mounts reimag­ines rooms in many pos­i­tive ways. Mount­ing boosts aes­thet­ics elim­i­nates bulky space-hog­ging media fur­ni­ture, min­i­mizes clut­ter since com­po­nents can be installed on shelves or in clos­ets, and reduces glare poten­tial through flex­i­ble view­ing angles.

Fur­ther­more, it also increas­es liv­ing area safe­ty by remov­ing unsta­ble heavy fur­ni­ture at tip-over risks, bring­ing screens clos­er to cen­tered elec­tri­cal out­lets typ­i­cal­ly posi­tioned high­er on walls already, enabling eas­i­er clean­ing access behind units, and keep­ing devices safer from curi­ous chil­dren and pets. It also allows the inte­gra­tion of dec­o­ra­tive touch­es around TVs seam­less­ly.

Com­pre­hen­sive blog: Ben­e­fits of Mount­ing TV 

Easy Steps to Mount TV on Drywall

Dry­wal­l’s reli­able under­ly­ing wood­en frame­work com­bined with a move­able paper-front­ed sur­face makes it won­der­ful­ly adapt­able for stur­dy TV mount­ing. Holes were seen clean­ly through dry­wall with­out major dust or debris. 

Here are five straight­for­ward steps to mount­ing flatscreens on dry­wall: Mark accu­rate stud loca­tions using a find­er, ver­i­fy lev­el mounts before load­ing screens, predrill pilot holes to pre­vent wood crack­ing, dri­ve lag screws into sol­id studs using ratch­et­ing torque sock­ets, then align the tight­ened tele­vi­sion onto brack­ets for a pen­e­trat­ing has­sle-free instal­la­tion in just min­utes. Fol­low this com­pre­hen­sive blog for smooth, long-last­ing dry­wall TV mount­ing results.


More Info on Expert Dallas TV Mounting Service


We Mount All TVs

We mount all types of TV: HD OLED, QLED, U8H, U6H, and oth­ers. We also mount TVs of all sizes. Our TV mount­ing ser­vices are viable for all tv brands in Dal­las includ­ing Sam­sung, LG, Sony, Vizio, and TCL among oth­ers.

Audio System Setup

Be it a sur­round sound sys­tem or sound bar instal­la­tion; we assem­ble a sound sys­tem that goes well with your TV and space arrange­ments.

Wire Hiding Service

We con­ceal your wires inside the wall. We con­ceal wires through in-wall cable ports if your house has or con­ceal them using the cor­rect wire hid­ing kit.

Home Theater Installation

We install and set up a wide range of home the­ater, audio, and video sys­tems at your home or busi­ness premis­es. We advise and offer instal­la­tion ser­vices. Get in touch today.

Commercial & Residential TV Mounting Service in Dallas

We believe in and strive to pro­vide excel­lent TV mount­ing ser­vices across all sub­urbs of Dal­las. Right from sched­ul­ing to Mount­ing your TV, the whole process is a breeze with HTG. It is the pri­ma­ry rea­son that we have main­tained inspi­ra­tional 5‑star reviews & rat­ings on Google Maps for our punc­tu­al­i­ty, pric­ing, respon­sive­ness, qual­i­ty of work, and dex­ter­i­ty of our tech­ni­cians.   

We offer TV mount­ing ser­vices in Dal­las to res­i­dences and busi­ness­es. We offer dis­counts too if you have mul­ti­ple TVs to set up and based on TV sizes. Talk to our cus­tomer sup­port to see if you qual­i­fy for dis­counts. Get in touch today if you would like to see how we can help your busi­ness engage more cus­tomers through our audio-video instal­la­tion ser­vices.