Appliance Repair Dallas Texas

Get Professional Appliance Repair in Dallas, TX

For fast, reli­able appli­ance repair in Dal­las, TX, call on Home Tech Geeks. With 5‑star rat­ings on over 200+ reviews, our cer­ti­fied appli­ance tech­ni­cians have the exper­tise to prop­er­ly diag­nose and fix appli­ances of every major brand.

We are fam­i­ly-owned and oper­at­ed, pro­vid­ing trans­par­ent pric­ing with no hid­den fees. Whether your refrig­er­a­tor, oven, wash­er, dry­er or dish­wash­er is mal­func­tion­ing, we have the parts, tools and knowl­edge to get it work­ing again.

We are a 5‑Star Rated Handyman Business!

Repair Your Appliance In 3 Steps

Get Online Quote

Get a cus­tomized quote spe­cif­ic to your Appli­ance Repair require­ments through our cus­tomer ser­vice.

Schedule An Appointment

Sched­ule an appoint­ment online in a minute for the same or anoth­er day’s best Appli­ance Repair Ser­vice in Dal­las.

Pay After Work

Our pros, equipped with the best appli­ance repair tools, come to your site, repair your appli­ance to your sat­is­fac­tion, and get paid.

Appliance Repair in 3 Simple Steps

Get a Quote

Sub­mit your appli­ance issue to receive a detailed repair quote at no oblig­a­tion.

Sched­ule a Vis­it

Book a con­ve­nient time to have our tech­ni­cian eval­u­ate your mal­func­tion­ing appli­ance.

Let Us Han­dle Repairs

Sit back while our experts diag­nose the prob­lem and pro­fes­sion­al­ly com­plete repairs.

Appliance Repair Pricing

Appli­ance repair costs in Dal­las aver­age $200 — $350 depend­ing on the type of appli­ance, age and repair com­plex­i­ty. Sim­ple jobs like replac­ing a bro­ken dis­penser or door han­dle aver­age $200 — $250 while involved repairs like com­pres­sor, con­trol board or motor replace­ments range from $300 — $350.

Fac­tors affect­ing appli­ance repair pric­ing:

  • Type of appli­ance (refrig­er­a­tor, oven, wash­er, etc)

  • Age and con­di­tion of appli­ance

  • Diag­no­sis time

  • Parts required

  • Labor for disassembly/reassembly

  • Brand and mod­el (cost of OEM parts)

  • Local repair tech­ni­cian rates

For guar­an­teed appli­ance repair ser­vice in Dal­las, TX, call (469) 431‑5131 or click here to sched­ule ser­vice online 24/7.

Commercial and Residential Appliance Repair Service in Dallas

Home Tech Geeks is the lead­ing appli­ance repair com­pa­ny across Dal­las, TX. Whether you need a clogged office break room ice­mak­er fixed or refrig­er­a­tor repairs at your restau­rant, our expert tech­ni­cians have the knowl­edge, parts and tools to com­plete the job right. Con­tact us 24/7 to sched­ule guar­an­teed, 5‑star appli­ance repair ser­vices.