Mounting TV: Everything You Need To Know


TV plays an impor­tant role in every house­hold. It is one of the main sources of enter­tain­ment. Even tho gad­gets like mobile phones and lap­tops are tak­ing over the world, peo­ple still pre­fer to watch TV when they are with their fam­i­ly or friends to watch their favorite shows or movie togeth­er.

As every­thing is advanced nowa­days, so is the shape and size of the TV. It has become slim­mer and lighter with a big­ger screen. And peo­ple start­ed devel­op­ing the con­cept of home the­atre by mount­ing TV on their walls where they can get movie the­atre expe­ri­ence in their own home.

Now it’s very com­mon. TV mount­ing is an easy job and one can do it by them­selves if one makes sure of all the things need­ed before­hand. How­ev­er, we sug­gest you choose a pro­fes­sion­al TV Mount­ing ser­vice provider to avoid dam­ages and acci­dents.

Why You Should Mount Your TV

  • TV wall mount­ing pro­tects your TV from harm or oth­er acci­dents.
  • It is safer to wall mount a TV than to leave it unmount­ed on a table.
  • It is a very secure solu­tion and saves a lot of your home space.
  • It makes your room more fash­ion­able.

Choos­ing The Right Mount

You can choose the right mount based on the size of your TV and your view­ing pref­er­ences. There are main­ly four types of wall mounts to choose from- Fixed, Tilt, Full Motion, and Pull Down.

Fixed Mounts:

Fixed Mounts can be the best option for you if you’re look­ing for an afford­able TV mount with­out any extra fea­tures. This mount does­n’t allow the TV to move or change angles, unlike the oth­er TV mounts.

Tilt Mounts:

A Tilt mount allows you to adjust and move your TV down and up to improve the view­ing angle which helps in pre­vent­ing neck strains and helps to reduce glare from sun­light. This mount is also very afford­able and easy to install.

Full Motion Mounts:

A full-motion TV mount is very flex­i­ble and ver­sa­tile as it allows you to change the view­ing angle as it will swiv­el side to side and tilt up and down. This mount is best if you’re mount­ing your TV in the Liv­ing room as it allows you to enjoy the view from all angles i.e. bed, sofa, or couch. In terms of cost, full motion mount is a bit more expen­sive than fixed and tilt mounts.

Pull Down TV Mounts:

This mount is also known as the Man­tel TV mount and is a very advanced and expen­sive TV mount. You can not only swiv­el and tilt but also can pull the TV down and bring it to your eye lev­el in front of the fire­place. You can also place it in its orig­i­nal posi­tion eas­i­ly.

Price Ranges

The cost for TV Wall Mount­ing depends on var­i­ous things such as the size of the TV, mount­ing brack­ets you choose, wall type, and oth­er spe­cif­ic fea­tures used. But the aver­age cost ranges from $100-$300. For ref­er­ence, a pro­fes­sion­al instal­la­tion of a 65″ inch TV with a tilt­ing mount would cost about $169 for most home­own­ers.

Man­ag­ing the Cords

Nobody wants TV wires around their house. It looks messy and uncom­fort­able. But there are many ways to take care of the wires. But most­ly there are two types of very com­mon meth­ods to hide the wires- wire hid­ing and wire con­ceal­ment.

Wire Hid­ing:

Wire hid­ing includes the wire behind the wall. You can hide the wire behind the wall by drilling a hole in the wall. You won’t see any wires or stripes out­side the wall. This method is time-con­sum­ing and expen­sive.

Wire Con­ceal­ment:

Wire con­ceal­ments include con­ceal­ing the wire out­side the wall. you can con­ceal the wire out­side the wall by using stripes or con­ceal­er. You will see the stripes out­side the wall. This method is easy, takes less time, and is cheap­er.

Factors To Consider While Mounting TV

Types of Walls

You have to be very care­ful about your wall type while mount­ing a TV. First, you have to iden­ti­fy your wall type. The most com­mon types of walls are reg­u­lar dry­wall, brick, tile, and con­crete.

It’s easy to mount on reg­u­lar dry­wall but you should know you can’t mount on dry­wall alone, it is backed by met­al or wood studs where you actu­al­ly mount the TV. And when mount­ing a TV on brick, con­crete, or tile you have to be extra care­ful not to dam­age the wall as these types of walls are very vul­ner­a­ble to the tools you use.

Types of TV

You have to con­sid­er many things while buy­ing a new TV for your home such as pric­ing, the brand of the TV, and the size to fit per­fect­ly in your home. Then only it suits per­fect­ly in your room. How­ev­er, any mod­ern TV is suit­able to mount on the wall, you just have to pick the best choice for you. Some of the best brand TV are Sam­sung, LG, Sony, and TCL.


First, you should know how you want to watch a TV to choose the best place to mount it. For that, you can begin by sit­ting in your favorite spot and cal­cu­lat­ing the dis­tance and price accord­ing­ly. Also, you have to con­sid­er the elec­tri­cal out­let, it should be near the place you want to you mount your TV.

If you want to mount your TV above the fire­place, you have to be extra care­ful as it will be hot and it’s not good for TV so you have to seek the help of pro­fes­sion­als to choose the best spot above the fire­place where heat won’t reach and affect your TV.

Types of Tools

There are many tools that you can’t miss because you can­not mount your TV with­out them. Tools like stud’s find­er, car­pen­ter’s lev­el, pen­cil, pow­er drills, and bits help you to make your TV stronger and more reli­able on the wall.


At last, if your TV is tak­ing up too much of your room space and you desire a well-orga­nized, mod­ern, and clean home, you should def­i­nite­ly go for TV mount­ing. It will make your house more beau­ti­ful. If you are still con­fused and not sure if you can mount your TV on your own con­sid­er a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing ser­vice com­pa­ny that can pro­vide you with top-notch tech­ni­cians for the safe­ty of your wall and TV. Mount your TV and enjoy the view.