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Ways To Mount A TV On the Wall Without Studs

After address­ing mount­ing a tele­vi­sion above a fire­place and on dry­wall, ways to mount a TV on a wall with­out studs have become a pop­u­lar top­ic. Studs are the ver­ti­cal ele­ments that make up the major­i­ty of a wal­l’s frame. How­ev­er, studs are nec­es­sary for a wal­l’s struc­tur­al sta­bil­i­ty.

Walls with studs, there­fore, give your struc­ture struc­tur­al sta­bil­i­ty. With­out studs, mount­ing a TV on the wall is fair­ly dif­fi­cult. You can attach your wall with­out studs in a vari­ety of ways.

While mount­ing a tv on a wall most peo­ple gen­er­al­ly go for dry­wall and wall with studs. How­ev­er, a wall with­out studs can be pret­ty much trou­ble­some. You need to con­sid­er the fol­low­ing aspects to mount a TV on the wall with­out studs.

Ways to Mount TV on the wall without studs

Anchors, tog­gle anchors, mount­ing plates, ceil­ing mounts, and oth­er mount­ing tech­niques are essen­tial to mount­ing a TV with­out studs. Of course, before mak­ing your deci­sion, you must con­sid­er the size and weight of your TV.

In order to deter­mine which of the above choic­es is ide­al for you as well as how your home and TV will influ­ence your choice, read on and learn more.

Make use of anchors

The sim­plest meth­ods for hang­ing any­thing on the walls with­out a stud are anchors. Addi­tion­al­ly, when mak­ing a mount point with­out a wall stud behind it, dry­wall anchors are essen­tial.  These func­tion in var­i­ous ways to pre­vent screws from com­ing out of their holes or caus­ing oth­er dry­wall dam­age. 

Anchors come in dif­fer­ent types. It includes tog­gle anchors and mol­ly bolts.

A tog­gle bolt, com­mon­ly referred to as a but­ter­fly anchor, is a fas­ten­er used to hang items on dry­wall or oth­er hol­low walls. Addi­tion­al­ly, tog­gle anchors are a won­der­ful choice for mount­ing a TV on a wall with­out studs. They enter your wall direct­ly and anchor them­selves in the rear.

Mol­ly bolts help to secure heavy things to voids in walls. They typ­i­cal­ly com­prise the anchor, the bolt or screw, and a point­ed end that is essen­tial to aid in inser­tion. Anoth­er excel­lent choice is mol­ly bolts, albeit they require a lit­tle more work to install. If giv­en the option, use point­ed mol­ly bolts because they are sim­pler to install and don’t require you to first drill an instal­la­tion hole.

Take help from a technician

Anoth­er use­ful but neglect­ed aspect while mount­ing your tv on a wall is choos­ing a prop­er tech­ni­cian. Yes, there are pret­ty dif­fer­ent ways to insert a mount on a wall with studs. How­ev­er, with­out a prop­er tech­ni­cian tv mounts on any sur­face can get tougher. Mean­while, the tech­ni­cian will not only ensure that your TV is mount­ed on a wall with­out studs but also sug­gest dif­fer­ent oth­er tech­niques to mount your TV on a wall with­out studs. Also, the tech­ni­cian will look into your respec­tive walls and locate them look­ing at every small aspect of your wall.

The chal­leng­ing aspect is set­ting it up cor­rect­ly after select­ing the appro­pri­ate instal­la­tion arrange­ment and mount­ing setups. Every house­hold’s main issue is a prob­lem that aris­es dur­ing the instal­la­tion of such devices. These gad­gets require qual­i­fied human resources. Home Tech Geeks offers expert TV mount­ing ser­vices as a result. Our ser­vice makes sure that there is ade­quate mount­ing, safe han­dling of the wires, and advice. In addi­tion, we help you find the best TV mount and rec­om­mend a good arrange­ment based on your pref­er­ences, loca­tion, and over­all room design.

Using a mounting plate

Devices can be mount­ed over a larg­er elec­tri­cal enclo­sure or a wall hole using a mount­ing plate. Fur­ther­more, a mount­ing plate is a suit­able option for putting a tele­vi­sion with­out studs. Mount­ing plates pro­vide the anchors the abil­i­ty to add more anchors and make it eas­i­er for them to sup­port the weight of the tele­vi­sion, increas­ing the moun­t’s secu­ri­ty.

Addi­tion­al­ly, a mount­ing plate in con­junc­tion with the anchors is a suit­able option. The most com­mon mate­r­i­al for mount­ing plates is met­al, how­ev­er, ply­wood can also be used to cre­ate them. This can make it eas­i­er for your anchors to lift the TV and pro­vide you the chance to add more anchors, strength­en­ing the mount.

Doing a ceiling mount

The ceil­ing mount is a new trend while talk­ing about the dif­fer­ent loca­tions to mount TV, If you have a wall with­out any studs ceil­ing wall can be your best com­pan­ion.

You can install your TV on beams in your ceil­ing if they are there. Just as effec­tive are joists. Although you won’t real­ly need studs, both of these actu­al­ly serve the same pur­pose in the mount­ing process as studs do. In this sit­u­a­tion, take into account the height of your ceil­ing and the mass of your TV. This method of plac­ing a TV might not be worth­while if your ceil­ing is real­ly high.

Although it might take longer and not always be pos­si­ble, almost all ceil­ings fea­ture beams or joists, which serve the same pur­pose as studs. Your home­’s archi­tec­ture will deter­mine whether you need longer screws to reach joists, and those joists may be far­ther apart than you expect.

Things to consider while mounting the TV on the wall without studs

Here are cer­tain things to con­sid­er while mount­ing the TV on the wall with­out studs.

  • Use Right Some Kind TV MOUNT. The top TV mounts on the mar­ket are list­ed here. Click here
  • Be mind­ful of the weight of the TV and the state of the wall.
  • Pro­fes­sion­al tech­ni­cian and use of the best device to mount your TV.
  • Under­stand your wall and also try to use long-term mount­ing meth­ods rather than switch­ing more often.


TV mount­ing on the wall with­out studs is def­i­nite­ly a chal­leng­ing task. How­ev­er, using some pre­cau­tions and the best tv mount­ing ser­vice providers such as Home Tech Geeks will def­i­nite­ly avoid the com­pli­ca­tions that are gen­er­al­ly caused by mount­ing a tv on the wall with­out studs. Mean­while, choos­ing the right tech­ni­cians with the prop­er mount­ing method will def­i­nite­ly avoid the com­pli­ca­tions that peo­ple may face dur­ing mount­ing tv on walls with­out studs.