All About Mounting TV On A Brick Fireplace

Are you hav­ing prob­lems mount­ing big LED dis­play TV on a brick fire­place? When it comes to mount­ing a TV on a brick fire­place, the brick fire­place can be one of the most dif­fi­cult places to work with. Unlike oth­er places to attach your tele­vi­sion, a brick fire­place can be extreme­ly incon­ve­nient. 

As a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing ser­vice provider, let us explain every­thing you need to know about mount­ing a TV on a brick fire­place.

A brick fire­place is one that is con­struct­ed of stone, brick, and mason­ry. Mount­ing a TV in Brick Fire­place comes with a lot of chal­lenges. First­ly, let us go on what is the major mate­r­i­al essen­tial to mount­ing a tv on a brick fire­place

Steps to Mount TV on brick fireplace

There are var­i­ous fac­tors to con­sid­er before mount­ing a tele­vi­sion on a brick fire­place. Because plac­ing a tele­vi­sion near a fire­place might be haz­ardous, it is crit­i­cal to use prop­er mount­ing tech­niques.

1. Consider the mortar or fireplace you are using

Every home has a dif­fer­ent fire­place sur­round. We’ve vis­it­ed thou­sands of homes and have nev­er seen two that are the same, which is why we can’t give an exact recipe for mount­ing a tele­vi­sion above a fire­place in good con­science. Not with­out first inspect­ing the place and all of its com­po­nents.
Also, because mor­tar might have a vari­ety of fea­tures, you’ll need the assis­tance of an expert to ful­ly com­pre­hend the mor­tar. Fur­ther­more, this will assist you in avoid­ing any issues that may arise as a result of mor­tar or your fire­place.

2. Choose the appropriate anchor

Anoth­er major part is to choose the appro­pri­ate anchor for your TV. Hol­low-wall anchors are not rec­om­mend­ed because they can­not hold the weight of the TV wall mount brack­ets and the tele­vi­sion. This may also cause your tele­vi­sion to top­ple. Using an anchor that is too long may also have an impact on the chim­ney. Long anchors that are exces­sive­ly long can cause dam­age to a mason­ry chim­ney, which is rather preva­lent in brick fire­places.

3. Create a hole for the TV mounting and put it together.

Make sure your hole mark­ings are lev­el by using a lev­el. While set­ting up a hole make sure you use a prop­er driller and at the prop­er height. Since mount­ing tv on a brick fire­place is dan­ger­ous an ide­al height is real­ly impor­tant  Screw­ing the taps into the brick was a bit of a chal­lenge. In real­i­ty, we shat­tered the top of the screw try­ing to screw it in so tight­ly, but the oth­er screws are secure­ly fas­tened. Assem­ble the TV wall mount kit accord­ing to the man­u­fac­tur­er’s instruc­tions. Brack­ets should be attached to the tele­vi­sion. 

Also, because inter­pret­ing the man­u­fac­tur­er’s instruc­tions are dif­fi­cult, a qual­i­fied tech­ni­cian is manda­to­ry to install the tele­vi­sion on the wall. The great­est TV mount­ing ser­vice is pro­vid­ed by Home Tech Geeks. We pro­vide safe and inex­pen­sive ser­vice, whether it’s a brick fire­place or dry­wall.

4. Mount the TV to the wall using brackets

After mak­ing holes to mount the TV, one needs to mount the TV to the wall using brack­ets. All that is essen­tial for the prop­er use of the brack­et is a TV brack­et of the cor­rect size that fits prop­er­ly into your tele­vi­sion and suits your loca­tion with the prop­er tv mount weight. Fur­ther­more, because there are so many dif­fer­ent types, it’s always a chal­lenge for the typ­i­cal indi­vid­ual to prop­er­ly and effi­cient­ly suit it.

TV brack­ets are made of stur­dy steel and are used to pro­vide your tele­vi­sion with a strong grip so that it may be fixed on the wall. Despite its wide­spread use, many indi­vid­u­als are unsure of how to select the appro­pri­ate TV brack­et. Choos­ing a size at ran­dom puts your entire tele­vi­sion in jeop­ardy.

For more details on How to Choose the right TV brack­et? Click Here

Things to avoid while mounting your TV On Brick Fireplace

After read­ing the step-by-step guide on installing your TV on a brick fire­place, you’re undoubt­ed­ly con­tem­plat­ing the chal­lenge of mount­ing a tele­vi­sion on a brick fire­place. How­ev­er, there are sev­er­al pre­cau­tions and things to avoid while mount­ing a TV on a brick fire­place. The fol­low­ing are the main things to avoid while installing your TV on a brick fire­place:

Avoid lighting your fireplace for long

As a result of these con­sid­er­a­tions, you may won­der what good it is to have a fire­place and tele­vi­sion if we are unable to uti­lize them for an extend­ed peri­od. How­ev­er, one must be aware that you are refer­ring to a fire and an elec­tron­ic gad­get. Your TV will be less affect­ed despite the suit­able height and mount­ing meth­ods, but using the fire­place for a long amount of time with a TV imme­di­ate­ly above it may not be a smart idea for your TV’s long-term safe­ty.

Wire Exposure

The right mount­ing approach includes hid­ing the wires. How­ev­er, check­ing the wire of your TV mounts reg­u­lar­ly is always a good idea. Because cables dam­age more eas­i­ly when there is a fire under­neath them. So, there are two aspects: first, cor­rect­ly con­ceal­ing TV wires, and sec­ond, reg­u­lar­ly check­ing to see if cables are close to fit or not.

Height of the TV too close to the fireplace

When it comes to the height of the TV on the brick fire­place, there are numer­ous fac­tors to con­sid­er. Because the brick fire­place can be chal­leng­ing to sit­u­ate, plac­ing it too close to the fire­place can harm your TV, and plac­ing it too high can affect ergonom­ics. So, one of the best ideas is to choose a com­fort­able view­ing angle and to seek pro­fes­sion­al advice from a rep­utable mount­ing ser­vice provider to deter­mine whether or not a mount­ing tele­vi­sion at a spe­cif­ic height can catch fire or not.


Though mount­ing a TV over a brick fire­place can be extreme­ly dan­ger­ous and tricky using each and every step above can help you to mount your TV prop­er­ly. Also, if you avoid using the fire­place for long, expos­ing your wires you will be at a pret­ty good place when it comes to mount­ing the TV on a brick fire­place. Mean­while, if you have any prob­lems feel free to con­tact us.