5 Mistakes People Make While Mounting a TV

One of the most typ­i­cal issues is TV mount­ing errors. Due to the fact that mount­ing isn’t every­one’s cup of tea. As a result, there are a vari­ety of tech­niques to con­sid­er while mount­ing a TV.

You could argue that there’s no rea­son to fol­low a cer­tain pro­ce­dure for installing a tele­vi­sion. How­ev­er, there are numer­ous ben­e­fits and advan­tages to prop­er­ly posi­tion­ing a tele­vi­sion. It is cur­rent­ly unfash­ion­able to place the tele­vi­sion on a table or desk. As a result, wall-mount­ed TVs are pop­u­lar and styl­ish.

So, keep up with the times and avoid the blun­ders list­ed below for a bet­ter TV mount on your wall.

Mistakes People Make While Mounting a TV

Fol­low­ing are the major mis­take you need to about while mount­ing a TV.

Bad Location

Okay, the ide­al posi­tion is unques­tion­ably one of the most sig­nif­i­cant con­sid­er­a­tions when hang­ing a tele­vi­sion. The tele­vi­sion is an impor­tant part of your room and should be cor­rect­ly posi­tioned and mount­ed. Peo­ple have the habit leave the last avail­able space for mount­ing a tele­vi­sion. This will make your TV’s loca­tion, as well as the rest of the room, less appeal­ing. The best strat­e­gy to choose a place is to first choose your tele­vi­sion and then build your oth­er room decor and neces­si­ties around it.

When select­ing a place, there are var­i­ous aspects to con­sid­er. There’s a lot to think about here, from the field of view and sun­light expo­sure to how you’ll store your linked devices and where the next pow­er out­let is. Fur­ther­more, wire man­age­ment and the prop­er instal­la­tion of acces­sories are high-pri­or­i­ty ele­ments that many peo­ple over­look. As a result, many peo­ple destroy their entire home set­up by inap­pro­pri­ate­ly posi­tion­ing and mount­ing their tele­vi­sion, which is a sig­nif­i­cant mis­take.

Right Type of Mounting

Is your tele­vi­sion mount­ed prop­er­ly? Okay, you can have a hard time despite select­ing a fan­tas­tic site that comes with the appro­pri­ate mount­ing. Peo­ple believe that mere­ly hang­ing your TV with a few screws is the prop­er tech­nique. The cor­rect mount­ing meth­ods, on the oth­er hand, require a selec­tion of mount­ing height, the cor­rect type of brack­ets, and the appro­pri­ate devices.

Make sure you know if you’ll need a swivel­ing mount ahead of time. Alter­na­tive­ly, if you want a more sta­ble instal­la­tion, be sure of the posi­tion of your ports. Lift­ing and prop­er­ly mount­ing your TV on the wall mount will require fur­ther assis­tance.

TV brack­ets are also some­thing you need to con­sid­er dur­ing mount­ing. Each wall mount­ing brack­et has a spe­cif­ic capac­i­ty. It can only accom­mo­date tele­vi­sions that are of a cer­tain weight and size. Even though most TV wall mounts that pass the UL test can resist four times their weight capac­i­ty, it is not a good idea to put them to the test. Before you buy a TV brack­et, make sure it works with your TV in every way.

For More details on TV brack­ets. Do check How to Choose the right TV Brack­et?

Okay, there are a lot of things to think about in such a lit­tle amount of time. The best option is to hire a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing com­pa­ny. Home Tech Geeks is a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing com­pa­ny that offers same-day ser­vice. You will save a lot of time installing your own TV on the walls with the help of our fan­tas­tic pro­fes­sion­al.

Not having enough cable length for adequate connection

If you’re plan­ning to mount a TV on the wall, you’ll need enough cable length for a prop­er con­nec­tion. Fur­ther­more, devices with an AV con­nec­tion, such as a sound­bar, a game con­sole, or oth­er elec­tron­ic acces­sories, require a suf­fi­cient length of cables to avoid strain­ing all of the wires, which might result in a dam­aged con­nec­tion after many days of use.

Mov­ing your TV from the stand to the cen­ter of your wall may result in an unsight­ly appear­ance by expos­ing all of the wires. So, there must be from wire man­age­ment. Wire man­age­ment leads to prop­er con­nec­tion and also safe­ty.

All of your devices – cable, media play­er, video gam­ing con­soles, smart home assis­tant, and so on – will need to be coor­di­nat­ed and cal­i­brat­ed. Remem­ber to leave room for them, espe­cial­ly if you’re plac­ing a TV above a fire­place with lim­it­ed space. If any cables or con­nec­tors are obstruct­ed by the wall mount dur­ing the instal­la­tion, use the spac­ers to pro­vide some room for them.

Not taking into account light from windows or sun exposure when installing a TV

Sun and oth­er sources of light can dis­rupt our TV-watch­ing activ­i­ties dur­ing cer­tain hours of the day. Maybe you set the TV at the appro­pri­ate height, pre­cise­ly lev­eled, per­fect­ly cen­tered, while it faces a win­dow with plen­ty of light com­ing in, but I’m afraid you’ll have to keep your blinds closed to see the TV.

Peo­ple often mount their tele­vi­sions direct­ly in front of the sun, which can cause dam­age to the screens. As a result, before begin­ning the TV mount­ing process, it’s a good idea to com­pare the walls in your liv­ing room by tak­ing these exte­ri­or aspects into account. Hav­ing your TV mount­ed on the wall using tilt­ing or full-motion wall mounts may be the best option, as they allow you to adjust your TV to what­ev­er angle you choose, allow­ing you to avoid sun expo­sure and attain the opti­mal mount­ing height.

Mounting TV on a drywall

Installing your TV on dry­wall with­out a wood stud will be quite expen­sive. Fur­ther­more, putting your TV on dry­wall will be extreme­ly expen­sive. Some­times the stakes are high­er than pur­chas­ing a tele­vi­sion. 


Despite the fact that tele­vi­sion mount­ing is a cru­cial com­po­nent, many indi­vid­u­als over­look it. Peo­ple pay atten­tion to every com­po­nent of your room’s aes­thet­ic, but not to the tele­vi­sion, which is unques­tion­ably the cen­ter of your space. Fur­ther­more, improp­er mount­ing meth­ods put your TV at risk of top­pling and dam­ag­ing your room’s walls, as well as caus­ing a fire owing to unman­aged cables. As a result, man­ag­ing your TV mount­ing is a crit­i­cal task.

If you require a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing ser­vice, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us. Our ser­vices are not lim­it­ed to just TV mount­ing; we also pro­vide smart home ser­vices, wire hid­ing ser­vices, iPhone and PC repair, and web cre­ation.