All You Wanna Know About iPhone Screen Repair

What could be more dis­tress­ing than a shat­tered iPhone screen? My pre­mi­um iPhone’s screen has already been rou­tine­ly shat­tered in the past. After break­ing my screen numer­ous times, and fix­ing them with dif­fer­ent iPhone tech­ni­cians, I’ve learned a few things to con­sid­er dur­ing iPhone screen repair which I am going to share in this arti­cle today. 

I am not an iPhone guru but a guy with mul­ti­ple slips and bro­ken screens. So, with my per­son­al expe­ri­ence of break­ing a few screens, I could help you with its best repair tech­nique and guide.

Apple’s iPhone has swift­ly become one of the most pop­u­lar smart­phones. How­ev­er, with a sight slip from the hand, the screen is shat­tered, the fragili­ty of the iPhone screen is some­thing we can talk about. You pay hundreds/thousands of dol­lars for your iPhone, so, nat­u­ral­ly, you want to avoid any acci­dents, how­ev­er, acci­dents are inevitable.

Accord­ing to a Square Trade study, two out of every three smart­phone own­ers had their phones dam­aged in the pre­vi­ous year. Cracked dis­plays were also the most preva­lent sort of dam­age, account­ing for 29% of all cell phones destroyed, fol­lowed by scratched screens. As a result, the major­i­ty of cus­tomers require reg­u­lar screen repairs.

As acci­dents are inevitable and screens keep break­ing, I’ll walk you through the tips and tricks when it comes to iPhone screen repair. I will com­pare and con­trast the pric­ing of a screen of var­i­ous mod­els as well as the best place to repair your iPhone.

How Much Does iPhone Screen Repair Cost?

The cost of repair varies depend­ing on the mod­el. It is obvi­ous that the most recent and pre­mi­um mod­el will cost more than the ear­li­er ones. 

Here is the tab­u­lat­ed list of every iPhone with their aver­age screen repair cost.

The prices for both the Apple autho­rized store and the third-par­ty store are list­ed below:

Mod­el Cost 
iPhone 13 Pro Max $329
iPhone 13 Pro $279
iPhone 13 $279
iPhone 13 Mini $229
iPhone 12 Pro Max $329
iPhone 12 Pro $279
iPhone 12 $279
iPhone 12 Mini $229
iPhone 11 Pro Max $329
iPhone 11 Pro $279
iPhone XS Max $329
iPhone XS $279
iPhone XR $279
iPhone X $199
Oth­er mod­els before iPhone X $100-$150

The cost of replac­ing your iPhone screen at a third-par­ty retail­er is rough­ly 30–50 dol­lars less than at an Apple autho­rized store. In the Apple store, for exam­ple, iPhone 13 Pro Max screen replace­ments cost around $329. Third-par­ty repair shops sell it for rough­ly 280–300$

Is it possible to get your iPhone screen repaired for free?

Mean­while, there is no war­ran­ty for a dam­aged screen or if you drop your phone.

Your iPhone and Apple-brand­ed acces­sories are cov­ered by the Apple Lim­it­ed War­ran­ty for one year from the date of pur­chase against man­u­fac­tur­ing defects.

How­ev­er, our war­ran­ty does not cov­er acci­den­tal dam­age or unau­tho­rized alter­ations. The war­ran­ty con­tains all of the nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion. As a result, you can only claim a war­ran­ty if your iPhone has man­u­fac­tur­ing flaws.

Is it necessary to get your iPhone screen repaired by an Authorized Apple Service Provider?

Autho­rized Apple Ser­vice Providers are repair ser­vices that have been approved by Apple to per­form repairs. You will void your war­ran­ty if you do not use an Autho­rized Apple Ser­vice Provider while your phone is under war­ran­ty. We do not advise you to void your war­ran­ty. If your phone isn’t cov­ered by a war­ran­ty, though, it can be more cost-effec­tive to use a third-par­ty repair provider.

A war­ran­ty is also offered through the Apple Store. Autho­rized Apple Ser­vice also pro­vides a high degree of qual­i­ty that should not be neglect­ed. Although, the cost of a screen repair in an autho­rized Apple store, on the oth­er hand, is quite sig­nif­i­cant. 

Every­one, on the oth­er hand, wants to save mon­ey and avoid hav­ing to pay for an addi­tion­al iPhone repair. As a result, a third-par­ty option could be a great way to save mon­ey on your phone repair. Hence, there are a few things to think about when select­ing a third-par­ty repair shop.

  1. Qual­i­ty Inspec­tion: One can always the tech­ni­cian’s port­fo­lios for qual­i­ty assur­ance. Fur­ther­more, hav­ing an expert tech­ni­cian on hand for repairs is usu­al­ly a ben­e­fit.
  2. Cus­tomer feed­back: Cus­tomer reviews are anoth­er approach to deter­mine whether or not third-par­ty stores are trust­wor­thy. Fur­ther­more, the review and com­ment sec­tions can be used to deter­mine whether or not the ser­vice is real.
  3. Ask­ing for guar­an­tees and war­ranties: It’s usu­al­ly a good idea to inquire about guar­an­tees and war­ranties when­ev­er you go to a third-par­ty repair shop. They are always more account­able when they pro­vide guar­an­tees and war­ranties.


How to find out if iPhone Screen is genuine?

A humor­ous thing occurred back even­tu­al­ly when one of my pals flexed me about his iPhone screen being repaired at a low­er cost. How­ev­er, upon clos­er study, we dis­cov­ered that the screen he flexed had been com­plete­ly dupli­cat­ed. Here are a few meth­ods for deter­min­ing whether or not your iPhone Screen is authen­tic.

  1. Check­ing the iPhone dis­play warn­ing: When your phone has a dupli­cate screen, Apple pro­vides a dis­play warn­ing option. Go to Set­tings, pick Gen­er­al, and press About to see if your device has such a warn­ing.
  2. Exam­in­ing the true tone fea­ture: Exam­in­ing the true tone fea­ture is one of the most effec­tive tech­niques to deter­mine whether or not your screen is gen­uine. Fur­ther­more, if your true tone fea­ture works prop­er­ly, your screen is like­ly to be real.
  3. Ana­lyz­ing the touch: Dupli­cate screens always have a prob­lem on the touch screens. Hence, one could know that their iPhone screen is fake if it has fre­quent touch prob­lems.
  4. Check­ing screens through bright­ness: Put your iPhone dis­play on max­i­mum bright­ness to ver­i­fy the unique­ness of your screen for bright­ness. Then, open a dark pho­to­graph to deter­mine whether it’s gen­uine. You can also mag­ni­fy the image to ensure that it cov­ers the entire screen. Fur­ther­more, if the screen looks to be turned off, you have a gen­uine OLED dis­play. Even the faintest tinge of gray or white, on the oth­er hand, indi­cates that the dis­play isn’t gen­uine.

Is it reasonable to repair your iPhone’s screen?

If all your bro­ken smart­phone needs is a new screen, it can be sim­ply restored to its for­mer splen­dor.

 Screen repair ser­vices are near­ly usu­al­ly the best option because they save cus­tomers mon­ey and effort.

There are fre­quent iPhone trolls that it cost so much that one should sell their kid­neys. As a result, replac­ing your screen is a bet­ter alter­na­tive than sell­ing one of your kid­neys to pay for a new one.

In most cir­cum­stances, though, a low-cost screen repair can extend the life of your smart­phone by many months. In most cas­es, though, a low-cost screen repair can sig­nif­i­cant­ly extend the life of your smart­phone. Repair­ing a device rather than replac­ing it allows you to remain using your cur­rent smart­phone while wait­ing for a new­er tech­nol­o­gy to emerge.

How long does it take to repair the screen on an iPhone?

For spe­cif­ic repairs, includ­ing screen repairs, many of our Apple Autho­rized Ser­vice Providers pro­vide same-day ser­vice. You’ll receive a noti­fi­ca­tion from the repair cen­ter if your tech­ni­cian needs to send your iPhone to one.

Addi­tion­al­ly, third-par­ty retail­ers that desire to com­pete with Apple stores offer sim­i­lar repair ser­vices.

Some of the best tips to protect your iPhone Screens

Your iPhone’s screen may become weak as a result of fre­quent screen repairs. Fur­ther­more, to safe­guard one’s screen, one should con­stant­ly fol­low the guide­lines list­ed below.

1.   Use a stur­dy screen pro­tec­tor: There are var­i­ous types of glass pro­tec­tors avail­able for your device. Fur­ther­more, the screen pro­tec­tor pro­vides robust pro­tec­tion for your device against var­i­ous phys­i­cal dam­ages. In addi­tion, the screen pro­tec­tor also keeps your device safe from cracks and scratch­es.

2.   Invest­ing in a pro­tec­tive case: Pro­tec­tive cas­es are quite impor­tant for pro­tect­ing your elec­tron­ics from col­li­sions when you drop them. More­over, pro­tec­tive cas­es give extra sup­port to your phone giv­ing that extra edge to pro­tect your screens.

3.   Use phones that fit your hand: There are some peo­ple who like to car­ry iPhones with the pro-Max ver­sion. It is, how­ev­er, always a bet­ter idea to use mod­els that are com­pat­i­ble with you. It’s usu­al­ly a good idea to buy phones that have a good grip so they don’t fall out of your hands all the time.

4.   Avoid con­tact with dust and oth­er mate­ri­als that can dam­age your screens: Anoth­er way to dam­age your phone is to keep it in close prox­im­i­ty to items like coins and keys. These items have the poten­tial to cause phys­i­cal dam­age to the screen. Addi­tion­al­ly, dust par­ti­cles impact your screen, poten­tial­ly caus­ing scratch­es or screen dete­ri­o­ra­tion.


To recap, if you have a bro­ken item, you may have a lot of ques­tions like how much it will cost to fix it and how much it would cost to replace it. This arti­cle may have giv­en you some insight into where and how to get your iPhone dis­play repaired. Fur­ther­more, you should only deal with the most depend­able solu­tions when it comes to iPhone screen repairs. If they offer qual­i­ty assur­ance, you can even go with third-par­ty options. 

Fur­ther­more, I hope that this blog has pro­vid­ed you with all of the infor­ma­tion you require regard­ing your iPhone Screen repair. Please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us if you have any ques­tions.


[1] Amer­i­cans spent over $3 bil­lion last year fix­ing their smart­phone screens


[2] Apple iPhone repair ser­vice


[3] Phone Repair Prices: What Dif­fer­ent Phone Repair Ser­vices Cost You


[4] Apple repair time and war­ranties
