TV Fireplace Mounting Service, Dallas

Did you know that putting your TV above a fire­place not only adds ele­gance to your area but also improves your view­ing expe­ri­ence? When posi­tioned at eye lev­el, you can enjoy a more com­fort­able and immer­sive view­ing angle while avoid­ing neck strain. The warmth and cozi­ness of a fire­place are com­bined with the con­ve­nience and attrac­tive­ness of a wall-mount­ed TV by our skilled TV fire­place mount­ing ser­vice in Dal­las.

We offer a smooth and secure instal­la­tion that takes into account the spe­cial needs of plac­ing a TV above a fire­place. Our expe­ri­enced staff will walk you through the pro­ce­dure, assist­ing you in select­ing the best mount­ing solu­tion and ensur­ing suf­fi­cient air­flow to pre­serve your TV and fire­place.


TV Mounting Above Brick Fireplace: How Much Does It Cost?

The cost of TV mount­ing above a brick fire­place in Dal­las, Texas, varies based on sev­er­al fac­tors. We spe­cial­ize in TV mount­ing above fire­places and have a proven track record of suc­cess­ful instal­la­tions. We offer com­pet­i­tive pric­ing based on the TV mount­ing spot, with the base price for TV mount­ing above a fire­place being $29. In addi­tion to that you may be also charged based on the size of your TV, type of the mount you need, cable con­ceal­ment, among oth­ers. To get an exact price for your instal­la­tion, use our online quote sys­tem or talk to our cus­tomer sup­port.

 Hire a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing ser­vice and enjoy the shows you love!

TV Wall Mount­ing Costs Based on TV Sizes Costs
Up To 55 Inch TV Wall Mount­ing Cost$99**
56  — 65 Inch TV Wall Mount Cost$119
66 — 75 Inch TV Wall Mount­ing Cost$139
76 — 86 Inch TV Wall Mount­ing Cost$159
Over 86 Inch TV Wall Mount­ing Cost$179
Wall Types Cost Vari­ables  
Mount­ing on Dry­wallNo Addi­tion­al Cost
Mount­ing on Brick Wall$79
Mount­ing TV Con­crete Wall$79
Mount­ing TV on Stone Wall$79
Mount­ing on Tile Wall$79
Costs based on TV Mount­ing Spot 
TV Mount­ing On The WallNo addi­tion­al Cost
TV Mount­ing Above a Fire­place$29
TV Mount­ing on The Ceil­ing$69
Costs Based on TV Mount You Want 
Reg­u­lar Tilt­ing TV Mount$55
Full Motion TV Mount$85
You have your own TV MountNo Addi­tion­al Cost
Wire/Cable Man­age­ment Cost Vari­ables  
No Need to Hide TV CablesNo Addi­tion­al Cost
Hide TV Wires With­in Wall$79
Addi­tion­al Help Costs  
You can help lift the TVNo Addi­tion­al Cost
You can­not help lift the TV$69


Costs*: The price indi­cat­ed in the first sec­tion are base prices based on TV sizes. How­ev­er, the cost may vary based on your loca­tion. To find the exact price use our online TV wall mount quote gen­er­a­tor or talk to our cus­tomer sup­port.

TV Mounting Above a Fireplace: What You Need to Know

Mount­ing a TV above a fire­place is com­plex and requires tech­ni­cal exper­tise. For instance, the heat from the fire­place can dam­age your TV if it’s not installed cor­rect­ly.

One thing to con­sid­er is the type of wall your fire­place has. You’ll need a TV mount brick fire­place instal­la­tion ser­vice if you have a brick fire­place. This instal­la­tion requires a pro­fes­sion­al installer to drill holes into the brick and secure the TV mount using heavy-duty anchors. The installer must also ensure that the mount is lev­el and can sup­port the weight of your TV.

Anoth­er impor­tant con­sid­er­a­tion is the height at which the TV is mount­ed. The ide­al size for a TV above a fire­place is eye lev­el when seat­ed. If the TV is mount­ed too high, it can cause neck strain; if it’s too low, it can cause eye strain. That’s why hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing ser­vice is cru­cial to help you deter­mine your TV’s opti­mal height.

The abil­i­ty to save space is one of the most sig­nif­i­cant ben­e­fits of installing your TV above your fire­place. You save impor­tant floor space by putting your TV over your fire­place. Installing your TV above your fire­place offers a focal point in the liv­ing area while also adding refine­ment to your home design.


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FAQs About Our TV Mount Installation Services.

Yes, we offer TV mount­ing ser­vices above fire­places. Our expe­ri­enced tech­ni­cians ensure the TV is secure­ly mount­ed and the wiring safe­ly con­cealed.

Our base price for TV mount­ing above a fire­place is $29. How­ev­er, the cost may vary based on your TV size, wall type and loca­tion. You can use our online quote sys­tem or ask our cus­tomer sup­port for the exact price.

Yes, it is safe to mount a TV above a fire­place as long as it is done by pro­fes­sion­als who ensure prop­er instal­la­tion and safe­ty mea­sures.

We use high-qual­i­ty TV wall mounts that are specif­i­cal­ly designed for fire­place instal­la­tions. These strong and durable mounts ensure that your TV is secure­ly mount­ed.

The time it takes to mount a TV above a fire­place depends on the instal­la­tion’s com­plex­i­ty and the TV’s size. Our expe­ri­enced tech­ni­cians work effi­cient­ly to ensure the build­ing is com­plet­ed on time.

The best height to mount a TV above a fire­place depends on var­i­ous fac­tors, such as the TV’s size, the fire­place’s height, and the view­ing dis­tance. Gen­er­al­ly, the TV should be mount­ed at a height where the cen­ter of the screen is at eye lev­el when seat­ed.

Yes, we hide the cables and wires. Our tech­ni­cians use in-wall wiring to ensure a clean and orga­nized instal­la­tion.

TV mount­ing can be done above most fire­places, includ­ing wood-burn­ing, gas, and elec­tric fire­places. How­ev­er, it is impor­tant to ensure that the heat gen­er­at­ed by the fire­place does not dam­age the TV.

Yes, we can mount a TV above a man­tel. How­ev­er, the height and place­ment of the TV should be care­ful­ly con­sid­ered to ensure that it is com­fort­able to watch and does not inter­fere with any decor or art­work on the man­tel.

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