Wire Hiding‑8 Easiest Tricks Everyone Should Follow

Wire hid­ing is one of the most under­ap­pre­ci­at­ed tasks of any home. A mess of cables deprives the appear­ance of your home. Mean­while, there are dif­fer­ent tech­niques for prop­er wire hid­ing. Today we will talk about some of the eas­i­est ways for wire hid­ing.

Recent­ly one of my friends built a lav­ish vil­la with tons of dec­o­ra­tions, big rooms, and pleas­ing light­ing. How­ev­er, the mess of wires com­plete­ly ruined the aes­thet­ic of his entire vil­la. Hence, wire hid­ing is pret­ty impor­tant main­ly for prop­er pleas­ing to-eye appear­ance and also to avoid any dam­age to wires. Let us first talk about a few impor­tant aspects of wire hid­ing.

Importance of wire hiding

Here are some of the notable impor­tance of hid­ing wire.

  • Wire hid­ing makes your home orga­nized and tidy.
  • Wire hid­ing will aid in main­tain­ing prop­er com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Addi­tion­al­ly, it will safe­guard your equip­ment from air­flow obstruc­tions pro­duced by dis­or­ga­nized wiring.
  • It is resis­tant to damp­ness, chem­i­cal reac­tions, and smoke.
  • There is no dan­ger of fire or mechan­i­cal break­down.
  • There is no dan­ger of degra­da­tion of cable insu­la­tion.

Easiest Tricks to hide wires at your home

After get­ting many ques­tions on some of the best ways to hide messed wires in our home. We have list­ed the 10 eas­i­est tricks to con­ceal wires in your home

Secure the lines to the furniture’s back:

Fur­ni­ture is a major asset in any home. More­over, fur­ni­ture can also be an excel­lent source one can use to hide the wires of your home. As fur­ni­ture cov­ers a broad sur­face and has han­dles as well as a large back sur­face, one could use cord clips to tie the wire on fur­ni­ture sur­faces. Mean­while, it can be an excel­lent source to hide your wires with less com­plex­ion.

Conceal TV cables behind the wall

Anoth­er excel­lent way to con­ceal TV cables is by plac­ing your tele­vi­sion cable behind the walls. Many of us habit have mount­ed and set up the tele­vi­sion in the wrong way. In addi­tion, many peo­ple also claim the TV lines as messed up. Hence, for prop­er man­age­ment of the wires of the tele­vi­sion one could place it behind the wall. Mean­while, the ide­al way to hide the wires of a wall-mount­ed TV is to use a recessed cable plate to hide them behind the wall itself.

How­ev­er, good TV mount­ing and instal­la­tion aid the con­ceal­ing process. As a result, pro­fes­sion­al assis­tance is always the best option, as this can be rather dif­fi­cult.

Keep your power socket hidden

Every wire’s major attrac­tion is the pow­er sock­et. It’s pos­si­ble to think of it as hav­ing a wire heart. Addi­tion­al­ly, try lift­ing the strip off the ground to keep all those plugs hid­den. The backs of most pow­er strips have holes that can be hung on the wall with a few screws or nails. Mean­while, a pow­er strip placed direct­ly beneath the base of your enter­tain­ment cen­ter fills the gap between the fur­ni­ture and the wall.

Use your baseboard Accessories to conceal the wire

One of the unknown ways to solve the prob­lem of messy wires is to use base­board acces­sories to hide the wire. More­over, you can snake the wires to your base­board acces­sories. In addi­tion, strip off the sticky cov­er­ing of a chan­nel, place the rear of the chan­nel on a base­board, and then run an eth­er­net con­nec­tion. Mean­while, the base­board cord chan­nels can be paint­ed to match any inte­ri­or design aes­thet­ic.

Make a cable label

Have you noticed a vari­ety of col­ored labels in var­i­ous homes and are unsure what they are for?
If you want to take it a step fur­ther, you may pur­chase print­able labels that will help you iden­ti­fy which pow­er line is which, for exam­ple. Fur­ther­more, if you, like me, are always plug­ging in new devices, this is extreme­ly use­ful. The print­able cables have a dis­tinc­tive appear­ance and can be hid­den due to their print­ed aes­thet­ics.

Install new power outlets or HDMI connectors behind your devices

If you choose to place your TV on the wall, the hang­ing wires will be vis­i­ble from the start. Addi­tion­al­ly, using TV pow­er plugs and ports behind the TV and your elec­tri­cal gad­get might be won­der­ful solu­tion to dis­guise your wires. In the mean­while, you may hire an elec­tri­cian to add a pow­er out­let or HDMI ports to the wall.

Use a variety of cord covers

Do you want to con­ceal your wire with some­thing that blends in with the rest of the decor in your room? Cord cov­ers can be a good method to hide your wires. A cord cov­er’s goal is to hide your wire so that it does­n’t look messy. Sec­ond, it pro­tects your cable from exces­sive air­flow, which could cause prob­lems. Final­ly, dif­fer­ent col­ored chord wires exact­ly fit the beau­ty of your room.

Make use of cable sleeves

I have a friend who keeps on tieing all the wires due to messi­ness. How­ev­er, one of the best acces­sories to avoid such a mess of tieing your wires can be the use of cable sleeves. It helps you to gath­er all the stray cords dan­gling from your desk Cable sleeves allow the wires to cor­ral them into one larg­er one and min­i­mize dis­rup­tion. Addi­tion­al­ly, cable wraps elim­i­nate the need for exces­sive wire bind­ing. Cable sleeves, on the oth­er hand, ensure ade­quate bind­ing and wire safe­ty.


Wire hid­ing is nec­es­sary but can be a quite trou­ble­some process. How­ev­er, one needs to be pret­ty con­scious of how to use dif­fer­ent items or con­ceal your wire tech­ni­cal­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. Hence, it’s always the best idea to take pro­fes­sion­al help for prop­er work man­age­ment and time man­age­ment.

Home­tech Geeks pro­vide pro­fes­sion­al TV wire hid­ing ser­vice with the use of the appro­pri­ate tools and drills, as well as a well-trained and expe­ri­enced team that pro­vides out­stand­ing ser­vice. Con­tact us for same-day speedy and depend­able ser­vice.