Tips and tricks to mount a TV on a ceiling

Before you rush to mount a TV on a ceil­ing there are so many things you should know about it. So, in today’s arti­cle, we will give you some easy tips and tricks to mount the TV on the ceil­ing. If your room lacks space and you want a TV in it, wor­ry not we have thought of such an idea that would be very spa­cious.

In such a case, hang­ing a TV in a room is a very unique plan. And in order to do so, you need to use a ceil­ing mount. Basi­cal­ly ceil­ing mount is a piece of equip­ment or oth­er assem­blies that are attached to the hor­i­zon­tal sur­face. Such equip­ment can be bought at any retail­er by check­ing the spec­i­fi­ca­tions that are com­pat­i­ble with your TV.


1. Gather the mechanical supplies:

In order to mount the TV on the ceil­ing, the major thing you need to have is mechan­i­cal sup­plies. So, all you need to do is gath­er basic sup­plies from hard­ware retail­ers. In short, you must have the fol­low­ing sup­plies.

  • TV
  • A stud find­er
  • A screw­driv­er
  • A sock­et wrench
  • Screws
  • Drills
  • Lad­der
  • ceil­ing TV mount

2. Inspection of the TV slots:

Every brand of TV has dif­fer­ent slots for mount­ing on its back. Most­ly, you will find these slots arranged in rec­tan­gu­lar pat­terns. They can be very con­fus­ing at times. How­ev­er, read­ing the TV infor­ma­tion man­u­al always helps to inspect the back of TV slots.

3. Fix the mounting brackets to the TV’s back:

TV mount­ing brack­ets are long, met­al pieces with screw holes. These brack­ets exact­ly fit with the back slots of the TV. And then you have to attach both brack­ets using the bolts that came with the wall mount. Fas­ten­ers depend upon var­i­ous fac­tors to run, which are:

i) The type of mount that you are using will ver­i­fy the speed but most­ly you have to put a wash­er on the screw before it is used in the TV.

ii) The var­i­ous com­po­nent sec­tions of most ceil­ing mounts will have var­i­ous sizes of fas­ten­ers. To decide which fas­ten­er to use, con­sult the moun­t’s instruc­tions.

iii) Make sure the TV brack­et fas­ten­ers are even­ly placed before tight­en­ing them. Your TV may be mount­ed improp­er­ly if the sur­face is uneven.

4. Make sure the placement of the bracket is correct:

The fas­ten­ers work effi­cient­ly if they are firm­ly attached. So make sure that those devices are tight­ly attached to the TV with no gaps. This process is very nec­es­sary because if these are loose­ly attached one could cause your TV to pull free of its mount over time.5. Add oth­er remain­ing brack­ets:

As men­tioned ear­li­er, dif­fer­ent TV has dif­fer­ent slots. So at the end make sure to attach oth­er brack­ets to the TV. Some mounts use light­weight met­al poles at the top or bot­tom of brack­ets that need addi­tion­al sup­port. If not nec­es­sary you can skip this part and if not need­ed you should firm­ly attach these brack­ets.

There are numer­ous aspects to con­sid­er in such a short peri­od of time. Hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al TV mount­ing firm is the best solu­tion. Home Tech Geeks is a TV mount­ing ser­vice that pro­vides same-day ser­vice. With the help of our amaz­ing pro­fes­sion­al, you will save a lot of time mount­ing your own TV on the walls.

6. Locate studs in your ceiling:

When you com­plete attach­ing brack­ets, first­ly you need to set up the lad­der where you intend to mount the TV. Then gath­er around your studs and climb the lad­der till you reach the ceil­ing, where you intend to mount. Mark the loca­tion of the studs. Studs are the most impor­tant fac­tor to mount the TV. So, with­out it, it could pull free of the ceil­ing and cause var­i­ous injuries to your TV, your home, your pets, or you your­self. Sim­i­lar­ly, if you do not have a stud find­er, you can sim­ply knock test for studs in a pin to find the studs. You have to be care­ful with lad­ders and have an extra per­son just in case things go south.

7. Drill the hole in the location:

We drill in the ceil­ing so that the pow­er can be pro­vid­ed to the wires of the TV. Or you could run wires from a wall out­let to the TV. And use hooks to sup­port wires on the ceil­ing and wall.

8. Mark the location of the ceiling mount:

Hold up the desired place to mount the ceil­ing. On the marked studs ear­li­er, Using studs line up the mount­ing holes. When the mount is in place, out­line it with a pen­cil.

9. Fasten the ceiling mount to the ceiling studs:

After out­lin­ing the ceil­ing mount­ing holes and ceil­ing studs, you have to use a drill to screw the ceil­ing mount­ing plate into the ceil­ing studs. You might as well use bolts and a sock­et wrench. Tight­en the plate firm­ly into the ceil­ing. Bolts can be dif­fi­cult to fas­ten in wood. If you’re hav­ing prob­lems, drill a shal­low pilot hole first to make things eas­i­er.

10. Arrange the mounting plate extension:

When the process of fas­ten­ing the ceil­ing mount­ing plate gets com­plete, you need to reassem­ble the mount­ing plate exten­sion. And for that, the process might be slight­ly dif­fer­ent. First­ly you should con­nect exten­sions with the fas­ten­ers that come with the mount. Fol­low the prop­er direc­tion to ensure prop­er and safe instal­la­tion. Some exten­sions might use screws in the ceil­ing. If so Make sure to screw it firm­ly and com­plete­ly. And If your mounts do not have an exten­sion, all you have to do is con­nect TV mount­ing brack­ets direct­ly to the mount­ing plate.

11. Attach the brackets to the extension:

After assem­bling the plate exten­sion, you are going to need help from anoth­er per­son to hold it up and attach the TV to the exten­sion or mount­ing plate. It will be dif­fi­cult for you to hold and attach it on your own. So, you are going to ask for help because it helps screws tight­en.

12. Check the Stability and Enjoy:

And final­ly, what you want to do is check if the TV is accu­rate­ly mount­ed on the ceil­ing. Make sure to notice every sin­gle detail because you do not want to take any risks and cause acci­dents. If the TV still jig­gles, make sure to tight­en the screw. And If there is no prob­lem with its sta­bil­i­ty, you can chill on your bed and watch TV.