How high to mount a TV?

Before mount­ing a TV, one of the most dif­fi­cult things for every­one is deter­min­ing the exact height. With the grow­ing num­ber of sports fans and the start of var­i­ous sports com­pe­ti­tions, peo­ple are rush­ing to buy larg­er screens. As a result, one of the most crit­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions is to mount a TV at an appro­pri­ate height.

The appro­pri­ate mount­ing heights give a lot of aid. Be it prop­er posi­tion­ing of TV or prop­er aes­thet­ics of room an accu­rate mount­ing height is real­ly essen­tial.

In this blog, we’ll go through every detail of deter­min­ing the height of tele­vi­sions of var­i­ous sizes. Fur­ther­more, this site will assist you in avoid­ing los­ing your cool owing to poor TV height posi­tion­ing dur­ing any of your favorite foot­ball match­es.

A 42-inch tv should be posi­tioned about 56 inch­es from the floor to the cen­ter of the screen. Sec­ond­ly, a 55-inch tele­vi­sion around 61 inch­es, a 65-inch tele­vi­sion around 65 inch­es, and a 70-inch tele­vi­sion around 67 inch­es.

Note: This is just a gen­er­al rec­om­men­da­tion. The height depends upon var­i­ous fac­tors as men­tioned below.

Okay, now many of you might be won­der­ing about the fig­ures men­tioned and why is it impor­tant to main­tain those heights. So, first, let’s get into a brief dis­cus­sion of why prop­er height deter­mi­na­tion is impor­tant.

Why is it important to mount a TV at the proper height?

Ide­al TV mount­ing height comes with a lot of perks. The perks bring a greater visu­al expe­ri­ence. More­over, the fol­low­ing are the major mer­its of posi­tion­ing from height dur­ing TV wall mount.

  • Greater Visu­al Expe­ri­ence: The ide­al height for a TV mount guar­an­tees that users have a good visu­al expe­ri­ence. Fur­ther­more, it pro­vides a wider view­ing angle that will not cause any prob­lems even when watch­ing TV for lengthy peri­ods of time.
  • Few­er Com­pli­ca­tions: View­ers have a lot of crit­i­cism for TV mount­ing ser­vice providers because of incor­rect height posi­tion­ing. It’s always a good idea to fig­ure out what view­ing angle you’ll be watch­ing from before you mount a TV. As a result of the incor­rect height, neck and back strain, as well as eye strain, might occur. Hence, the opti­mal TV mount­ing height guar­an­tees few­er issues.
  • Prop­er aes­thet­ics of room: Your tele­vi­sion is unques­tion­ably the most vital piece of your room. The aes­thet­ics of your space are direct­ly relat­ed to the TV wall mount. As a result, posi­tion­ing your tele­vi­sion at a low­er or high­er height than the appro­pri­ate one can detract from the over­all attrac­tive­ness of the room.

How to Find the Right TV Mounting Height?

To deter­mine the best mount­ing height for your TV one needs to focus on all the fol­low­ing cri­te­ria:

Size of the TV

One of the most impor­tant con­sid­er­a­tions when choos­ing a TV mount height is the size of the TV. When mount­ing the TV, keep in mind that you’re mea­sur­ing from the floor to the mid­dle of the TV, not from the bot­tom or top. Also, keep in mind that the diag­o­nal view­ing area is pro­por­tion­al to the size of your tele­vi­sion. As a result, you’ll need to use a tape mea­sure to deter­mine how much up and over the screen’s exact cen­ter is.

The gen­er­al rule is to place your TV high­er with larg­er screens. More­over, it is also ide­al to place small TVs at a low­er height as plac­ing them high­er might affect the details on your TV.

Eye Elevation and Viewing Angle from the Floor

Not stand­ing, but seat­ed where you’ll be view­ing TV, your eye lev­el is esti­mat­ed. Choos­ing a prop­er eye lev­el also ensures less eye strain, neck strain, or back strain. Many peo­ple fre­quent­ly com­plain to their mount­ing ser­vice provider about improp­er mount­ing height. Hence, there are dif­fer­ent tech­niques to ensure prop­er height ele­va­tion.

To fig­ure out how high you’ll be sit­ting, mea­sure the dis­tance from the floor to your eyes. Accord­ing to the Soci­ety of Motion Pic­ture and Tele­vi­sion Engi­neers, the TV should be mount­ed so that the view­ing angle is no more than 30 degrees. The major­i­ty of peo­ple, on the oth­er hand, sit with their backs between 10 and 15 degrees reclined.

Distance from the sitting position

The ide­al view­ing dis­tance is deter­mined by the size of the tele­vi­sion and is the dis­tance between you and the screen at which you should sit when watch­ing. The sim­ple cal­cu­la­tion comes by divid­ing the size of your TV by 0.55. To give you an idea, the opti­mal view­ing dis­tance for a 42″ tele­vi­sion is 76 inch­es away. You should be 100″ away from a 55″.
Fur­ther­more, hav­ing the right view­ing dis­tance allows you to have a bet­ter visu­al expe­ri­ence when watch­ing your favorite sports.

An appro­pri­ate view­ing angle for 65 inch­es TV is 118 inch­es. Hence, the mount­ing height of a TV affects the dis­tance from the sit­ting posi­tion direct­ly.

Consider the size of the room and the amount of space you have to work with

If mount­ing a TV at the appro­pri­ate height will cause it to col­lide with an exist­ing appli­ance, struc­tur­al ele­ment, or piece of fur­ni­ture, it might not be pos­si­ble. Sim­ply place the TV as near to the view­er’s eye lev­el as pos­si­ble while leav­ing some space between it and the obstruc­tion.

For a nor­mal indi­vid­ual want­i­ng a TV mount­ing con­sid­er­ing such cri­te­ria and focus every aspect can be quite trou­ble­some. Hence as a result we pro­vide you with prop­er TV mount­ing ser­vice. More­over, our ser­vice will ensure prop­er TV mount­ing, prop­er place­ment as well as prop­er height deter­mi­na­tion. Click here to get a pro­fes­sion­al Tv mount­ing ser­vice.


TV mount­ing despite looks easy task. Con­sid­er­ing every detail regard­ing height, view­ing angle, as well as dis­tance from the eye, is quite trou­ble­some. Height being one of the impor­tant fac­tors is always neglect­ed by peo­ple while mount­ing their TV. Mount­ing a TV at a prop­er height brings lots of aid. A prop­er TV mount at an appro­pri­ate height ensures a great visu­al expe­ri­ence and also avoids dis­com­fort. How­ev­er, there are dif­fer­ent tech­niques to con­sid­er for prop­er mount­ing height. Mean­while, if you are still con­fused regard­ing dif­fer­ent details.